The Difference Between Winners And Losers

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On October 8th 1871, Chicago was a thriving metropolis and one of the greatest cities in America.  Then Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over it’s lantern and ignited a blaze that did $4 billion dollars damage in today’s money.  It left 100,000 people homeless and turned 2,000 acres of Chicago into scorched earth.  The city could have been left for dead.

The morning after the fire died down, all the merchants gathered and looked at what was left of their stores.  After seeing that everything they had worked to build was destroyed, they went into a meeting and decided that they would move to a more promising part of the country except for one man.

As the other merchants walked away with their tables between their legs, Marshal Field told them that he would build the greatest store the world had seen on the exact spot no matter how many times it burnt down.

Marshall went to cerate Marshall Field and Company.  It’s a department store that was renowned for it’s quality products and services.  He also created a fortune estimated to be $125 million in 1905 and co founded the University of Chicago.

You might be wondering, why does Marshall Field concern you?  There’s not many people like Marshall Field because not many people have the burning desire to make money like he did.
However, if you do, then this blog post will change your life because you now have access to a system that if you put the work in, will make you a fortune.

Russel Brunson founded and used the Click Funnels system to earn himself over $100 million.  No one is saying that you will make a million snapping your fingers but if you have the type of burning desire that Marshall Field had then the sky is the limit for how much money you could make.

Click here if you have the desire to make a fortune.

Are Your Friends Telling You To Just Give Up On Your Grand Plans?

Views: 2

Do you think there’s something wrong with you because you can’t stick with one thing?  I don’t want this to keep a good man or woman down for another second.  Before most people make financial and lifestyle breakthroughs and possibly even making it really big unexpectedly, there’s a phrase of trying many, many different things out at first.

A terrible thinking that’s floating around is that this will label you as an info junkie or someone who can’t commit.  It can make you feel like you’re lazy, a procrastinator or have the focus of a squirrel.  Worse off, well meaning friends and family may tell you to just give it up already.  To forget about creating a better life for yourself and your family, leaving a legacy behind you’ll be proud of.  To just accept the norm and the humdrum mediocre 9-5, tv dinner life.

My discoveries on this is this actually proves that you have a very valuable trait.  It shows you have the willingness to succeed.  To not give up, to keep on keeping on until you hit your destination.  Are you feeling me here?  There isn’t a thing wrong with you my friend.  It’s just the opposite.

You just haven’t found the right system yet that’s well suited to take you where you want to go.  It took Einstein 1000s of times to figure out before his big breakthrough.  Oprah tried many different things out before she discovered her true genius that ended up making her a billionaire.  It may take you a few tries too.  Hi fives and a pat on the back for you for sticking to it.

Don’t give up.  Not sure if you’ve tried being a high ticket digital consultant yet?  If not, this might just be the thing you’ve been searching high and low to discover.  You’re not an info junkie, you just need the right plan and a simple plan that works.

Click to get the system to living life on your terms and getting everything you deserve.

The Opposite Of Clarity Is Broke

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I was confused, distracted and then this happened, chaos and frustration are emotions that are poison to any living goal.  Gaining crystal clear clarity about what you really want is the cure all.  As author Vera Nazarian says: “In the kingdom of glass everything is transparent and there is no place to hide a dark heart.”

Why’s having this so important to getting you up to $10,000 months and higher?  It’s because the battle is won or lost every single day by either doing the things that will bring you towards your goals day after day or by following the next shiny object for your attention.

When about when the resistance creeps up?  Will saying a generalised goal to yourself like I’d like to make more income or I’d like to have automated income be enough to send an email or to set up another ad or to write a new blog post?

My simple invitation is to dig down a little deeper.  Maybe a lot deeper until what you discover lights you up like Vegas as midnight.  For e.g. there’s a training from a while back and a guy was being helped live in a room full of hundreds of other entrepreneurs.  He wasn’t getting things done.  He needed clarity.  He thought his big goal was freedom but what’s that mean?  It can mean something totally different for each of us, right?

Drilling down, freedom to him meant more time with his kids.  Ok, doing what with them.  Travelling.  Ok, where?  Disney World.  Why Disney World?  Well, he said, me and my boys have always had this bond and hobby with Robotics.  It’s our thing.  It would be so amazing to have the freedom to travel around the world with them and go to all of the Disney World’s that have the Robotic Rides.  Boom.  They drilled a little deeper.  You could see this guy’s eyes light up right then and there.  Next time the resistance creeps in, he doesn’t just think in vague terms of freedom.  Now, he thinks about this and his clarity is powerful enough to help him get things done.

I hope this is helpful to you.  Dig down a little deeper for yourself.  Give yourself this gift today and I think it will truly serve you well.  As you get clarity, you need a system that may give you the time and income to get you there, then I’d be honoured for you to discover the system I personally use and love.  It’s helped countless others get the clarity, freedom and profits they desire and deserve.

With this new clarity and this proven to work crazy system, I’m ready to go.

Save Hours And Hours Yet Skyrockets Your Income

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If there’s never enough time left in the day, there was a little digital training released earlier this year under $100 yet promised to save hours and hours of work time each week.  There was different hacks to bring in more revenue, no more late nights working helping you to get stuff done and much, much easier.  It was subtitled something like: Scientist-Verified “Big Bangs” for your best year ever.

Anyway, one of the big takeaways was this strategy by Richard Koch, the guy that really brought the 80/20 methods to light.  80/20 is basically, 80% of results come from 20% of our efforts.  80% of sales come from 20% of our customers etc.  Now, the last time I checked, he’s worth over $373 million.  Not too shabby.  Yet, get this, his income goes up every year but he works very little in actual hours on the J.O.B.

Here’s in part how he does it and why I wanted to share this blog post with you today.  Say, it’s Monday morning, Richard has written down the most important thing he needs to get done that week.  The thing that will have the greatest impact on his income and life.  Just one thing.  He does nothing else until that is done.  He tackles it alone.  Sometimes he’s done before noon.  Other times, may take him till 2:00 – 3:00 but then he’s done for the week.

Imagine, it’s early Monday afternoon and your most urgent thing for the entire week is complete.  No worrying, stressing, procrastinating over it.  It’s just done.  Nice right?  The rest of the times he’s writing books, doing other things he enjoys and keeps involved in.

My first thought was, yeah, he’s on a different level than me.  I can’t do just one thing and be done for the week but I realised it’s the principle this is so, so powerful here.  Right for example, what if you have 2 hours a day to work on your internet lifestyle business?  Your #1 needle mover task you’ve determined is to set up a FB as this week and start out at a $5 a day budget so you can tweak your numbers etc to getting it profitable.

See how the principle comes into play with that 2 hour window?  It means no email, no social media, no reading or watching videos, no YouTube, no doing anything else except that one needle mover activity.  That’s it, just tackle it with pig headed determination.  A massive opportunity lies in this strategy.  Of course, the power is in implementing it.

Coo, stuff right?  I have to go but just a heads up.  This is one reason I love this system so much.  It’s based all around doing the “few things” that are the most important to bringing in the highest possible profits to you.  Then letting others do the rest so we can chill and have the lifestyle and all.  If you’re interested:

Check out this ASAP.

There’s a generous trial you’ll make income with this.  Testimonials are coming out the wazoo.  How long are you willing to wait to focus on the 20% and start seeing your own commission checks flooding in like clockwork with this?

The Easiest Way To Wealth

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Just don’t botch this up like 99% do.  You ever read Rich Dad Poor Dad?  In it, Kiyosaki lays out something he calls Cashflow Quadrant.  Remember that?  He says that the quicker you can get through the 4 quadrants, the faster you’ll get to true wealth:

  1. Quadrant 1 is Employee
  2. Quadrant 2 is Self Employed
  3. Quadrant 3 is Business Owner
  4. Quadrant 4 is when you’re an investor

Now, Investor doesn’t mean you have to trade stocks and bonds for a living.  It can mean you’re investing in your own skills and business too.  Interestingly, most people label themselves as Investors actually do very well for themselves.  Think of yourself as in Investor from this day forward.  Now, there’s a lot of step by step out there to take you from Employee to Investor or from retired to wealthy, free and in full control of your life.  Low and behold, when someone does find something wonderful to follow, they try to innovate to make it better.

Here’s what I’d like for you to get in today’s blog post.  Do not try to pioneer as you’re piggybacking something that actually works.  Pioneers are usually the ones that are lying face down in the dirt with arrows in their backs.  Know that if you’re modelling what works.  They’ve likely got 30, 40, 50, 100s of employees.  They’ve tested every way under the sun of what’s working.  All you have to do is model what they’re doing.  No creativity, no innovation, no improving on what’s already working required on your part.  Just model what’s working.

Is this making sense?  Could it be that easy?  Yes, it can be.  Are you open to that?  Not sure if this is your thing or not but it’s paying out millions and millions to it’s partners.  There’s no reason to make it complicated.  Just follow the same system and you can get similar results.  Up to $10k and beyond months rolling your way like clockwork.

Yes, I’m ready to follow a proven blueprint to get me up to $10k a month paydays with no guessing required.  I just put together the puzzle pieces.