This Is Why You Should Never Friend Your Boss On Facebook

Views: 23

This is why you should never friend your boss on Facebook or maybe why you should.  Kelsey got home at 1:20 am and made herself a snack.  She had been at work since 10:30 the previous morning and she hadn’t had a break since dinner at 5.  You’re probably thinking: “That’s illegal!” but Kelsey was working retail to save up for college and she didn’t want to make waves by complaining.  Her manager had called in sick and told her last minute that she needed to stay until closing.  Fine.  Kelsey’s responsible.

While her Quesadilla was on the stove, Kelsey checked Facebook and saw a photo of her boss at the beach.  Not home sick.  Kelsey’s manager is like a lot of managers in mindset, may be even yours: “Actual work is exhausting, getting promoted is a reward that translates to “Less work for me”, I love being a manager.”  Didn’t Michael Scott make this model popular?  It’s incredible how many people are working for monkeys.  I’m sorry and I’d like to help.

Click here.

You Will Not Be Able To Forget This Question

Views: 1

I have an annoying question for you.  It’s annoying because, if you’re honest, your answer will bug you.  It’s not:

  • Profound
  • Magic
  • Counsellor or sage

It doesn’t even matter if you tell me your answer or not or whether you realise the answer later today, next week or a month from now.

The key is if you want it to bug you to let it sink in for a few seconds before skipping to your next blog post.  Ready, what would you do if you were not afraid?  I dare you to answer it.  If you ever want to give me the privilege of hearing your answer:

Click here.

What If You Had 5 Words Left To Speak

Views: 2

Have you ever watched the Webby Awards?  It’s like the Internet equivalent of an Emmy or an Oscar.  The hands down coolest part of the ceremony is this one rule: All acceptance speeches must be less than five words.  Most speeches are kitschy and vanilla but some of these winners find it in themselves to sound creative and show their personalities.  Take a few examples:

  • Reuters TV: “News doesn’t have to suck.”
  • Clubhouse Studios: “In other news, we’re hiring.”
  • DDB Argentina: “Internet Connects us.  Trump doesn’t.”
  • Zillow: “Apartments cheaper than Hamilton tickets.”

The five word constraint forces winners to use cultural shorthand that is only effective when it both:

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the culture
  • Implicitly communicates their own brand

There’s a science to words.  Our affiliates learn from marketing whizzes whose sole job is to turn you into money makers.  Are you ready?

Click here.

The Best Opportunity On The Web

Views: 2

Charles Feeney has a problem.  He literally has more money than he can spend.  That’s a hell of a problem to have, right?  It’s understandable if you want to exit out right now.  After all who wants to hear about a guy who has more money than some countries but if you do, you’ll miss out on a chance to make a fortune of your own from your own computer.

So, what does someone who has billions want to do with all that money?  Of course, they want to spend it but Feeney is different.  He doesn’t just want to spend a few billion and call it a day.  He wants the last check he writes to bounce.

Feeney has funded buildings on college campuses but he isn’t buying islands or hiring a symphony to wake up his wife like other billionaires.  He’s donating billions to charities all over the world.  He has literally shaped world politics and prevented wars by funding peaceful actions.  Then there’s the buildings he paid for which don’t bear his name even though he donated hundreds of millions.  He still has over a billion dollars that he’s given to charity.

This blog post isn’t meant to make you feel like you could be doing it better.  It’s meant to show you what’s possible.  Freeney didn’t become this way because he played it safe and struck to the same path everyone else was walking.  He started his own chain of duty free stores and revolutionised this industry.  This is why he has more money than he can give away.  If you want anything near to what he has, you’re going to have to do the same thing.

So, step off the beaten path and join Click Funnels.  Click Funnels affiliates work from their own computers by simply placing ads online.  Just like Freeney they make bug bucks.  The owner of Click Funnels has done very well and you can too.

Click here to learn more.

How The Car Industry Changed America Is How You Can Make A Fortune

Views: 2

Jaywalking is one of the least enforced laws of America.  Believe it or not, if you read about how it became a law, you’ll discover a way to earn thousands of dollars every month from your own computer.  In 1920’s, America Jaywalking was as big of a deal as it is today.  Most people blamed drivers if there was an accident.  Then in 1923, 42,000 people signed a petition to limit the top speed that any car could reach to 25 mph to protect pedestrians.

Suddenly, the big auto companies took a big interest in jaywalking laws.  The car companies had boy scouts hand out cards to anyone they saw jaywalking that told them it was dangerous.  They hired clowns to walk in parades and act like they were jaywalking.  They made sure that journalists knew every time a jaywalker caused an accident.  Automakers even went to school and took over the safety education classes and made sure the kids knew they didn’t belong on the streets.

So, what does this have to do with you making a fortune from your computer?  The auto companies had a problem as people were blaming cars for accidents.  Instead of making their cars safer, they launched a whole campaign to convince people that they were being unsafe by simply walking in the street.  Now cars can go faster than 25 mph and jaywalking laws are still around.  The auto companies took a different approach to their problem and they are still making money from it.

If you’re not making enough money or hate sitting behind a desk every day, you can take a different approach to making money too.  It’s called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a proven money maker that is unlike any job you’ve had before.  That’s why you’ll make money like never before.

Click here to find out just how much.