How To Sniff Out A Scam Artist

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For whatever reason, probably because of my line of work, my Facebook page gets bombarded with self help ads.  Greasy twenty-somethings who have read a couple of books on business leadership and try to pass as consultants.  The Internet is slick with greasy millennials trying to juke the job market and hard work by posing as experts in fields they’ve never worked in.  People fall for it.

Here is your three step guide for sniffing out grease ball gurus.  When you see their ads, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Will it cost me? – Some posers lead with a “Free trial,” collect your credit card info and cross their fingers you don’t cancel your payment or they’ll charge you 99 cents.  A real opportunity with real value costs something upfront.
  2. Will it work? – If they cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that their program will work for you, they don’t deserve a dime of your money.  The Click Funnels system is a results machine.  It works if you work it.  Click below for dozens of success stories.
  3. Are they wildly successful? – Who cares if they’ve been in business for 20 years or if they’re the newest, hottest thing.  The question you need to ask is, are they getting steadily bigger?

Well, that’s the test, how did we do?

Click here.

The 1 Reason To Never Sell Cutco Knives

Views: 4

It’s Cutco season.  Young men and women are graduating from high school all across the country and they’re taking part in what has become an American rite of passage: The mysterious letter from a company called: “Vector.”  What it is, of course, is a job for a door to door sales position.  Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a good for young people to test their mettle in door to door sales.  It helps them develop individual initiative, persuasive articulacy and resilience in rejection.

After these young people put in hours and hours pounding the pavement, all they’re left with is a big, “Thank you for making us money!”  The central major difference between building a business in Click Funnels and selling Cutco Knives for Vector is a completely different end game.  Vector will give you some paychecks.  Click Funnels will set you up with continuous passive income streams.

If two graduates stopped investing their time in Vector and Click Funnels, only one of them would still be collecting checks at the same time next year.  How does that sound?

Click here.

Wrinkle Wrinkle Crinkle Wrinkle

Views: 2

Folding the laundry is a time-sensitive chore.  The longer you wait to fold it, the wrinklier it gets.  Wow, wrinklier is a hard word to say out loud, try it.  The wrinklier your laundry gets, the longer it takes to iron.  The longer it takes to iron, the more we put it off.  If you need to change jobs or increase your household’s income, it’s easy to keep putting it off.  Your motivation wrinkles and wrinkles.

At some point, ironing is just too hard.  So you live with wrinkly motivation.  They way forward is not an easy one and it looks different for different people but the principle is straightforward: At some point, you just have to flip the switch and get going on the work you know you have to do.  You just do it.  Tomorrow’s blog post will come but your motivation will be even wrinklier.  So, while it’s still today, take 11 minutes to get started.

Click here.

Do You Think You Could Make It?

Views: 3

What would it take to survive the trip to Mount Doom?  You wouldn’t go buy yourself of course but with the whole company of elves, men, dwarves and hobbits we all know and love.  Lord Of The Rings nerd moment, please bear with.  If you made it, you would win for yourself unimaginable glory.  You would be set.  They’d do most of the battles for you:

  • They’d fight the battles
  • They’d bring the food
  • They’d know the way

So, what would it take to join them?  Just two things that most people today can’t seem to do:

  1. A lot of walking
  2. Not losing hope

Our Click Funnels business owners are surrounded by capable teams of:

  • Salesmen
  • Web designers
  • Product developers
  • Order fulfillers

All they need from you is:

  1. A lot of walking
  2. Not losing hope

Can you manage to do those two things?  If so, I can’t promise you Kingdoms and rare jewels.  Would you take consistent commissions in the $1,000s, $2,000s or $4,000s months?  I hope so.

Click here.

We Don’t Hurt For Material… Conan

Views: 1

Conan O’Brien just got sued for joke theft.  The story is ridiculous on several levels.  First, that a national celebrity would feel the need to steal and not cite jokes from a no-name blogger.  This demonstrates a striking ingratitude for where he came from.  Second, that the court system actually has rules in place for determining the specific terms of intellectual property for jokes.  For the courts to consider an idea a “Joke,” it must contain the three parts specified in the legalese.  You can google it.  Third, that Conan can’t rely on a farm of content writers whose creativity and precision supply him with more that he could ever need.

At Click Funnels, our team members never hurt for material.  We don’t hire comedians, geniuses or marketing whizzes.  We do all that for you.  All we expect from our business owners is the work we directly train them to do ourselves, we supply the rest.  Work with Click Funnels and never be tempted to steal again.

Click here.