Stop Pushing Pencils And Start Living

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Are you putting in forty long hours a week just to meet bills?  Not productive hours but hours of work that at the end of the week earn you enough just to get by.  You see humans are working too hard and earning less in our society instead of working to live, we live to work.  We run around thinking: “There has to be another way.”  The average person spends a little over ninety thousand hours working over the course of a lifetime.  These are hours that could be spent with family, travelling, cooking, reading, doing anything other than punching in and out of a time clock.

Does this sound familiar?  Does it take a powerhouse to pull you out of bed in the morning because you simply do not want to go in today?  Surprisingly, this is all too well known of many people today.  After school, they get a job working at the same company for 20+ years pushing pencils and wishing they were outside or at home or anywhere other than that boring place where they do that boring thing day after day to sustain a life that they truly aren’t living.

Here’s your opportunity to take a smart move toward a more exciting personal and financial future.  The key to freedom is right at your fingertips if you take advantage of the Click Funnels system.  This proven money making system allows it’s affiliates to make thousands of dollars each month.  Sometimes even tens of thousands of dollars in a single month.  All of it can be earned through the comfort of your own home even if you decide that for a week that your home is going to be in a cabin on a lake or sunning on the beach.  Money is a necessity in life but working hard is not.

Click here to start working smart for yourself and freeing up some of that precious time by learning more about Click Funnels.

These Homeless Guys Know What They’re Doing

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I recently wrote about the best sales copy I had seen all month and this on a homeless man’s sign.  That jogged my memory and today, I want to share a couple more with you plus some insights: #1 – “Let’s Do Lunch – U Buy.”  This one brings up the idea of “Companionship” which literally means one with whom you share bread.  In one stroke, he ironically acknowledges their economic inequality.  They are likely to never share lunch as well as the equality they share by virtue of a common humanity.

#2 – “Please help a drunk get drunker” – Rather than avoid the common objection to handing cash to homeless people, this guy plunged straight into it.  This is a counter-intuitive approach to cultivating ethos and pathos.

Aristotle said, in his book on Rhetoric, that we naturally trust people who:

  • Do not hide their motives
  • Make us feel uncomfortable and unthreatened

He concedes the moral high ground at the same time that he appeals to our sympathy.  These two men also broke through the noisy “Gimme-a-dollar” barrage that characterises our economised world.

Rather than shy away, these two got smart.  There is a way.  Learn smart marketing from pros on the cutting edge at Click Funnels.

Click here.

Not Growing Your Profits As Fast As You Want?

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Works even if you’re starting from scratch.  This plan works whether your plan is to be scaling from $0 to $10k months.  Here’s how, if you were flipping through the pages of NIKE founder’s awesome book, Show Dog.  You’d stumble across a section where Phil Knight talks about “The plan.”

Knight was doubling and tripling his biz year after year so fast that his bankers thought growth like this was risky.  He didn’t listen.  They only speed he knew was full throttle, full steam ahead.  Swoosh.  Anyhow, a little ways half through the book, he keys us into his strategy.  He first hints at it by talking about competition except, he said when you compete with others, you can quickly win or lose then it’s basically game over, either way, right?
Shoe Dog realised that you can always compete against yourself.  Got that?  By competing against himself, this allowed him to grow revenue like nobody’s business.  Not the first time I’ve heard about this either.
One of my mentors, Russel Brunson dishes out the same sage advice all the time.  It’s exactly how he grew from nothing to multiple millions to now running a business that’s made over $100 million.
Anyhow, powerful stuff, huh?  So, what’s the secret?  Your little one on one competitions with yourself needs to be something you can track because only what is tracked gets improved.

Making sense?:

  • If you get 100 leads this month, aim for 200 next month.
  • If you have 1 ad up this month, have 3 up and running next month.
  • If you made 8 offers that could lead to sales this month, make 20 next month.

Offers could be made VIA email, SMS, Webinars etc.  Just by beating your own #s by a bit more month after month, you’ll be amazed at how fast your profits can increase.  You could be hitting up to $1k, $5k, $10k paydays so fast and so often, you’ll have to buy a pair of NIKE AIR’s for you business.  The main KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to focus on in your online business is lead flow.  The more qualified leads rolling in, the more opportunities for sales you have every day.

That’s why this system works so well with the plan in today’s blog post.  You’ll be focusing on increasing your leads and the rest is done for you.  Cool?  Are you ready to scale up to consistent paydays?  Yes, I’m ready to hear more.

Click here.

Do This And Change Your Life Starting Now

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Here’s how to create lasting change.  Many feel they must go to work each day.  That they have to keep up what they’re doing even if they’re not happy and fulfilled.  Yet, nobody has to do anything, do they?  We can all choose to stay in bed if we want.  We can choose to not work or not to do anything at all.  Yes, there are consequences to our choices but they are our choices to make.  Within that thought lays great opportunity and power for each of us if we choose.

So, a strategy that helps many that aren’t currently happy and fulfilled in their life is to get absolutely fed up with your current circumstances and then to choose to raise your standards of living.  It’s to look at our life honestly and to decide things we’ll no longer accept showing up in our families lives ever again.  When we set new standards for ourselves, it’s hard to lower them ever again because we’ve got a new set point.  It’s how change for the better happens.  It’s our choice to make.  Nobody will show up and do it for us.  That’s why most stay stuck in the rat race and others raise their standards of living the good life and they never look back to their old standards again.  If you’re open to a proven plan to tack on an extra income on the side, maybe a lot of extra income:

Then check this plan out.

Decide if it may be a great fit for you.  Limited free trial slots are now available.

Feel You’ll Arrive After $10K Months?

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A heart check and a way to make hitting any income goal come your way mucho easier.  Aside from keeping busy winning Grammy’s, Academy Awards, singing and doing stand up comedy, Jamie Foxx dishes out some potent words to his sister:

  • In a blink of an eye, we’ll all be gone.  100 years compared to infinity is nothing.
  • I talk to my sister all the time, I say: “Girl, you better start having some fun, we’re gonna be gone in a minute.”
  • You’re gonna look back and say, “I should have been laughing and now I’m dead.”
  • That’s a powerful reminder of keeping perspective in our lives.

Ain’t it?  It’s living with no regrets.  Not letting fears hold us back.  Not waiting for the day: “We arrive” before we can start feeling something like being happy, smiling for a change.  We arrive now.  Today.  Every moment.  We just have to choose to.

It’s sort of cheeky but I heard a guy recently say we need a little more L.S.D. every day:

  • Laughter
  • Singing
  • Dancing

When we’re living like that, it makes it a lot easier to start earning more dollars too.  Living a red knuckled life waiting to arrive someday for us to have finally made it.  It’s no way to live.  Agree?  Release, enjoy the moments and be happy now and without the tension on you.

You’ll see getting the results you want, more income, love and joy coming in near effortlessly.  Not sure if you’ve had a goal of earning an extra $1k to $10k a month on the side or how that’s going for ya?  If you’re open to it, I’d love for you to check out this presentation.  This doesn’t have to be hard or stressful by any means.  Quite the opposite.

When you’ve got an extra $1k, $5k and $10k and up rolling in on the side?  It can free up hours and hours of your time allowing you to start kicking items off the bucket list and living with no regrets.

You up for that?

Click here.