Two Problems Money Does Solve

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Lauren lives with her boy friend in Arizona and she would like two things very much:

  1. To get married – She and her long time boy friend have just finished expensive master’s degrees and their combined teaching salaries aren’t quite enough to fund a wedding.
  2. To feel safe walking at night – Their house has been broken into not once but twice this past year because they can’t afford to move.  They did the next most effective thing which is to adopt two big dogs.

She has her eyes set on a neighbourhood 15 minutes west that they can’t quite afford to rent this year.  She thinks that in a year or two if she gets a promotion, they’ll be able to swing it but they might have to chose between a better neighbourhood and getting married.

Money doesn’t solve all problems but it solves some.  I wish for Lauren’s sake that she had a job that:

  • Allows them to live wherever they can afford
  • Has no income ceiling
  • Allows her to work at night and enjoy the outside during the day
  • Gives her a chance to make money at night and on the weekends to supplement her day job

Find out which 2-3 problems a job like this could solve for you.

This Is The Best Metaphor For The Internet

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The Internet is a small apartment stuffed full of teenagers in business suits trying to get our attention.  They want you to start a free trial of this, half off your box of that, three months free of … you get the picture.  It can be a headache.  A damn headache.

The reason it’s a headache is because we know that at least some of the things being advertised are good, even good for us bus they can be annoying when they’re all smirking and winking at the same time.

The fact is that there are only two ways to get rid of the headache:

  1. Never open your computer or walk outside
  2. Become content

When you’re content, really content, the ads have no allure.  When you are focused, fixed and devoted in one direction, other ads look silly but when ads are alluring, it’s a sign that you want something that you don’t have.

When you come across an ad like that, there are only two healthy ways to respond:

  1. Unsubscribe
  2. Take it seriously

Let me level with you.  If these blog posts don’t speak to something on you, leave.  If they do, we need to talk.  Unless one of those two things happens, you’re going to perpetuate the headache that comes from being bombarded by ads.

Click here.

Learn The Skills It Takes To Start A Major National Holiday

Views: 2

Following Halloween, Easter is the second highest selling candy holiday in America.  According to the National Confectioners Association, over 16 billion jelly beans are made each year.  The largest Easter egg ever made was over 25 feet high out of over four tons of chocolate and marshmallow.  Before you say, “Man, America is weird” I want to get to the more interesting stuff.

Popular culture is full of debates over the origin of Easter symbols like rabbits, eggs and parades.  Some people read Christian symbolism – fertility and new life? – into these symbols and others maintain that these simply come from German folklore.

At the end of the day, holidays are branding battles.  Christians want people to associate the symbols used to celebrate their holiday with the religious reasons for the holiday.  Other communities want to separate the symbols from their possible religious meanings.

Branding is hard work but there’s a science to it.  Whether you have a cause you want to fight for or you want to learn how to write effective sales material or simply want to make good money in brand management.

We’d love to get you there.  There is no more effective training on the market than Click Funnels.

Click here.

One Kind Of Job That Makes You A Better Person

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At the end of the day, there are two kinds of work.  Hundreds of different jobs but only two kinds of work.  I call the first kind: “Doing what you’re told.”  The second is: “Doing what you see.”  The first kind of worker plays by the rules usually rules by someone else.  They follow procedures and are evaluated primarily on their conformity to the rigid structure of their job or their industry.

The second kind of worker is given a more fundamental kind of dignity.  We’re asked to press in, look close, study hard, ask questions and do what we deeply think is right.  This includes entrepreneurs, scholar teachers and government leaders.  That’s what we get paid the big bucks for – being humans and not cogs.

Work with Click Funnels and become a self starter, a problem solver, a star consultant and a very wealthy person.  Most importantly, live a richer work life.  I write because I care.

Click here.

These Are The Four Things Every Customer Wants

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Do you know how to get referrals?  Most people will experience a move, a change in co-workers or a change in a job or else, their line of work depends on them getting good referrals.  William Rutherford has broken this mystery down into four simple steps.  Cover these four bases and your clients will sing your praises to whoever they can get to listen:

  • Show up on time
  • Do what you said
  • Finish what you start
  • Say “Thank you.”

In the professional world, that’s all people want.  Fall in any of those areas and no gimmick, creative flourish or brown nosing will save you.  Not only are these the habits that make the Click Funnels team so refreshing to work with but our goal is to help you become the kind of person as well.

What ever you do next – wherever you’re going – throw your lot in with us and become an e-business professional.

Click here.