How To Break Out Of Novice-Hood

Views: 3

His clients were in t-shirts and jeans but James was wearing a suit.  He is worried he over-dressed and he’s worried about a few other things too.  James just met with the co-owners of a wedding photography business in California, his first marketing consultancy client.  “I want to do a good job for them but I don’t think they know how little I know about marketing.”

James is by all counts, a novice.  Still, he’s already made several major changes to the young business’ brand, expanded and integrated their web presence and is hard at work making sure ‘The right people’ find them.  The business owners are paying $40/hour and they are blown away by his work.  Here’s why.  James may be a novice but here’s learned the one lesson he needed to break into the professional world: Effective marketing isn’t magic, it’s a science.

Join James and hundreds of other novices today by using Click Funnels.  Our system is all that you need to start making ‘hand-over-fist’ money and fast.

What’s stopping you?

Click here.

How To Work Outside

Views: 2

Steven is twenty six year old graphic designer for a T-short printing company is Alaska.  For the first time in his life, he is depressed.  His wife works as a nurse in the Navy and that’s where was deployed last fall, so he followed her up there.  At some pint this winter, the Sun started rising right after he got to work and setting right after he left.  For all he is concerned, stuck inside most of the day, the Sun might as well not exist.

Not everyone lives with Steven in perpetual darkness but being stuck inside all day isn’t healthy for anybody.  Choosing your own physical work space is just one benefit of starting your own online business with Click Funnels but there are more:

  • Setting hours that work for you
  • Making as much money as you want – it’s up to you
  • Trusting your product creation including sales, order fulfilment and customer complaints to our veteran team – We’ve got your back
  • Re-gaining a sense of ownership in your work

Come on out.  Weather’s nice.

Click here.

I Actually Want To Invite You To Something

Views: 1

Instagram is killing people.  Now it isn’t Instagram’s fault and it isn’t inherently evil but the fact stands.  Almost all of us have some degree of insecurity and many of us turn to social media either to prop ourselves up or feel bad that our lives aren’t as great as the people we follow.  It isn’t even the fault of the people who post pictures about how great their lives are as some of their lives are genuinely great.  Social media and the Internet in general are swimming with little images of the ‘Good life’ and people sharing that: ”Yes, in fact, my life is good.”

However, there is something missing.  The goal here isn’t just to show you a picture of a good life but to invite you to one.  Some people you follow will only offer you images of their achievements in their work, romance and recreational lives.  There is a life free of financial stress, overbearing bosses and b**chy co-workers if you’ll pardon the French.  Getting a better job helps, especially with:

  • Otherworldly vertical and horizontal support
  • No income ceiling
  • Meticulous training and space for independence plus a dedicated community

Remember, I’m not here to flaunt.  I’m here to invite you.

Click here.

Two Problems Money Does Solve

Views: 1

Lauren lives with her boy friend in Arizona and she would like two things very much:

  1. To get married – She and her long time boy friend have just finished expensive master’s degrees and their combined teaching salaries aren’t quite enough to fund a wedding.
  2. To feel safe walking at night – Their house has been broken into not once but twice this past year because they can’t afford to move.  They did the next most effective thing which is to adopt two big dogs.

She has her eyes set on a neighbourhood 15 minutes west that they can’t quite afford to rent this year.  She thinks that in a year or two if she gets a promotion, they’ll be able to swing it but they might have to chose between a better neighbourhood and getting married.

Money doesn’t solve all problems but it solves some.  I wish for Lauren’s sake that she had a job that:

  • Allows them to live wherever they can afford
  • Has no income ceiling
  • Allows her to work at night and enjoy the outside during the day
  • Gives her a chance to make money at night and on the weekends to supplement her day job

Find out which 2-3 problems a job like this could solve for you.

This Is The Best Metaphor For The Internet

Views: 2

The Internet is a small apartment stuffed full of teenagers in business suits trying to get our attention.  They want you to start a free trial of this, half off your box of that, three months free of … you get the picture.  It can be a headache.  A damn headache.

The reason it’s a headache is because we know that at least some of the things being advertised are good, even good for us bus they can be annoying when they’re all smirking and winking at the same time.

The fact is that there are only two ways to get rid of the headache:

  1. Never open your computer or walk outside
  2. Become content

When you’re content, really content, the ads have no allure.  When you are focused, fixed and devoted in one direction, other ads look silly but when ads are alluring, it’s a sign that you want something that you don’t have.

When you come across an ad like that, there are only two healthy ways to respond:

  1. Unsubscribe
  2. Take it seriously

Let me level with you.  If these blog posts don’t speak to something on you, leave.  If they do, we need to talk.  Unless one of those two things happens, you’re going to perpetuate the headache that comes from being bombarded by ads.

Click here.