What Would It Take To Convince Salina That She Can Do It

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Salina is a live firecracker of Ecuadorian pride with immaculate self-control.  She works at a bakery the next town over with the most obnoxious young supervisor.  He’s less than half her age and has less than half of her integrity.

According to Salina, he:

  • Doesn’t allow his employees bathroom breaks
  • Flirts with the younger girls and virtually ignores the older employees
  • Talks disparagingly about the older employees as if their quietness was a sign of an indifference

The store’s franchise structure prevents her from registering a complaint that could be enforced against him.  She doesn’t feel she’s in a position to find a new job.  She says: “I can’t find anything that works with my schedule to drive my boy to school in the mornings and I don’t have the experience to get anything that pays better than a service job, so I think I’m stuck here.”

What do you think it takes to convince someone full of such fire and integrity that they have what it takes to make a better life for themselves?  That would be a better conversation, let’s talk about Click Funnels.

Click here.

How To escape The Rat Race

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Are you tired of the term: “Rat Race”?  It’s rather outdated and leaves people with the feeling of dread, anxiousness and is far from original.  While this term may be overused and shoved down our throats, it has sustained the test of time.  Having first entered our English language system in the late nineteen thirties, it is a concept still in place today and that is why it is still used.

When you hear the term: “Rat race”, do you feel like you belong?  Do you think that this describes you but you have a deep yearning to jump out of the maze?  Many a rat will continue to follow the rat in front of them hoping that the direction most rats find popular will lead them to happiness.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.  You aren’t a rat who is content to follow the leader to fight with the rest of crumbs of leftover cheese.  No, you are the type of rat that jumps the wall and runs under the table.  You find the place where scientists have hidden a vast amount of cheese to use as future bait for that rats content in the race.  You take an arm and mouthful of cheese so large you nearly fall over.  Running from the side of the room, you sit and eat your delicious treats while watching all of your friends follow the rat in front of them hoping for a silver of cheese.

Click Funnrl’s proven system of earning is the big chunk of cheese you have been waiting for.  All it takes is for you to hop that wall and click on the ink below.  There you will be informed of how the other rats have made their way to earn thousands of pounds of cheese in a single month. Do you want you fair share of cheese?

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Lost Your Job Or Want To?

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Punching the alarm clock and slaving in a job you aren’t thrilled with can feel like a slow death of 1,000 cuts.  Does attaining that elusive thing called freedom have to be so hard, really?

  • Freedom to spring a surprise on the family and treat them to a dream vacation?
  • Freedom of financial worry because you’re generating $1k plus months?
  • Freedom to work from home, your favourite cafe or anywhere on the globe you desire because your business is totally location independent?

Society would tell us yes.  It does have to be that hard.  We’re taught to work hard for the man.  To put in the wrench time.  Then we’ll be richly rewarded with a steady paycheck and stable job security.  However, as Bob Dylan sang: “The Times Are A-Changin!”  Good hardworking moms and dads, solid and loyal company workers for 2-3+ years at the same company are regularly being called into the bosses office and told to pack up their belongings right into a cardboard box and right in front of their long time workmates and buddies.

In this day and age, there is no security.  Companies aren’t loyal to US.  Have you noticed this?  Here’s the thing.  Many of us want to escape.  We want a better daily lifestyle, more income, more time off, freedom to work wherever we desire.  Yet, we’ve been programmed that this would be a riskier choice for our family or that the only way is by sheer force of will.

Let’s set that limiting thought to the side for a second, cool?  Here’s a pure truth.  If working harder was the secret, wouldn’t ditch diggers, plumbers, brick layers and the sort all be the wealthiest people on planet Earth?  Yet, are they?

So, there’s a whopper of a whole in this entire “Work harder” camp.  Of course, we don’t head straight to the other end of the spectrum.  Being “Lazy as a Lark” is a sin in my book.  Living like that isn’t very fulfilling either.  The opposite of working harder is being a smart worker.

A person who can recognize and leverage other people’s and their own assets.  Is this making sense?  Here’s what I’m getting at today.  If you’re reading this blog post right now, you’ve probably picked up on the possibilities of the Internet and the leverage it brings.  Yet, if you’re not careful?  You can end up with another job as a business and if you’re just starting out?  With tons of different things to get your online business just off the ground, it can seem too hard to even get started.  Ever experienced this?

So, I’m not sure if you’re in a job you dread waking up to each and every day or if you’re at risk of losing that job or you may have been trying this online thing out for a while and you’re working hard, yet still under $10K a month in profit.  If that’s the case, you’re likely working too hard.  My simple encouragement for you today is to seek out leverage.  Give that a try.  I’m feeling that you’ll be pleasantly surprised.  That’s why I’d like to tell you about Click Funnels.  Where most other people are working all alone of the Internet, working with shovels, down in the dirt trying to build up their profits.  The Click Funnels System will do all the heavy lifting in your business for you.  Here’s a few leverage points current successful students are finding amazingly helpful as they are scaling up their profits each week:

  • You’re getting industry leading commissions up to $1,000 – $10,000+ per month
  • You’re getting support, a sales team doing the selling, fulfilment and customer support for you.
  • Nearly all of the frustrating, hair pulling tech work is already done for you as well.

With these leverage points in place, it’s no wonder why teachers, retirees, students and all those ready to escape the rat race are doing so well.  It’s a leveraged system that simply works.  What you will be mostly focusing on is driving leads into your pre built funnels, coded with your affiliate partner link.  You can do this in as little as 15-30 minutes a day or to speed up the results, you can invest 3-4 hours each day.  It’s entirely up to you.

Either way, you may be experiencing $1k to $10k commissions rolling your w ay over and over again like clockwork because leverage.

Here’s 3 reasons to go for it now:

  1. We’re offering free training to help out, I don’t know if we’ll keep doing that
  2. Because of high demand and student’s success, this may be charged.
  3. Life is short, where do you want to be 12 months from now?

Yes, I’m ready to escape the rat race and gain my financial independence. 

Are You Having Trouble Saying No To Amazing Opportunities?

Views: 1

The distractions will only continue to get worse.  Ever hit a season in your life when it feels like your thoughts are like a garden hose with the nozzle turned to mist?  No focus and no power.  Your mind is pulling you in 1,000 different directions.  Opportunities galore for you to choose from with out focus.  You feel like a millionaire who has deposited one single dollar into a million different banks.  You can’t have clarity that way, right?  Make it hard to say no to anything.  Yet, so many people, places and things beg for our attention at all hours of the day and it’s making things hard for most of us.

So, how do we get out of that way of life:

  • The lifestyle?
  • The freedom?
  • The income?

We must stop spraying and start focusing by focusing on one thing at a time, we can conquer any goal we want to hit in record time.  Are you following me?  Here’s how we do it.  Set purpose and commitments to doing what will hit your goals.  If you’d like to make $100k in your online business this year?  Do you have a map to get you there?

Let’s say you’ve set aside 2 hours tonight to start driving leads to your funnel which can result in lucrative sales.  You’re all excited to start.  Then your buddy calls and wants to hang out.  They beg and plead.  For several reasons, the pull with be towards, saying: “Yes.”  You’ll create no riffs with your friend and you’ll get some instant gratification.

However, you’ve just moved further away from your $100k goal.  What would that mean for you and your family?  You could quit your job, working remotely from your laptop and never miss out on your loved one’s lives.  Yet, it is so easy to do what’s easy in the moment.  Am I right?

So, we have to strengthen our no muscles and our personal commitments.  Think of it this way, you’ve booked a trip to the Bermuda with your family.  You’re on the way to the airport.  You’re sporting your favourite Tommy Bahama button up shirt with pretty pink flamingos printed all over it.  Jimmy Buffet’s Margheritaville is pumping through the speakers.

Then your friend calls.  He wants to treat you to lunch.  Would you go?  Would you turn around and head back?  No, of course not.  Why?  How could you easily say: “I’d love to but I can’t.” in this context.  Not when you’re doing something like gaining financial independence.  Just my thoughts.  In this context:

  • You have a clear destination
  • You’ve made a clear commitment
  • You’re moving forward with purpose
  • You know exactly what you’re doing and where you’re going

That makes all the difference in the world my friend.  Hope this is helpful.  Sometimes it’s all easy to spray all over the Internet as we’re building our business because there’s just so much to do.  I’m sure you’ve felt the same way too.

This is why I love the Click Funnels System so much.   All you’re focusing on is sending traffic.  That’s it.  Everything else is handled for you.  That can give you pure focus to get behind and get started on something.  Just focus on leads and we’ll show you how to easily do that.  Before you know it, consistent $1,000 and up to $10,000 months can be coming like clockwork.  Are you interested?

Yes, click here to tell me more.

#1 Cause Of IM Failure

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The simple fix to free up your time and hit $1,000.00 + months like clockwork.  According to studies, the same addictive quality of checking email, gives us the exact same feeling of pulling down the lever on a slot machine.  We pull the lever or open the email a few times.  We get a couple of duds.  Yet, we’re in expectation of something great.  5-6 pulls in?  We stumble across a winner chicken dinner.  We crave this feeling, like a kid in a candy store, we keep coming back for more and more.  It makes us slower than a one legged marathoner when it comes to getting our stuff done, right?  In psychology, this is called The Random Reward.  Even high level entrepreneurs and achievers are having this battle with their emails.

As simple as it sounds, just fixing one thing can change your business and life.  All it takes is a bit of awareness and a good plan.  The plan is 99% of the time as simple as this: Don’t check your email until a set time in the afternoon.  Imagine how much you’d get done if you only checked email between 3:00 – 4:00 every day.  Imagine how much better you’d feel.  Clarity and focus skyrockets.

When we hop onto the email train in the AM, some even check it when they have to hop out of bed and pee at 3am, we enter someone else’s to do list and not our own.  Are you feeling me here?  You’ll easily free up a few hours a day if you take this seriously.  I hope you do.  Watcha going to do with all that extra time?  I’d recommend you focus on one thing, like investing in traffic.  Something that’ll move your business and life forward and that gives you leverage in just 1-2 hours or even less each day.  You can leverage FB Ads, Solo Ads or any other type of paid ad or free advertising to start driving leads into your business which results in sales if you stay at it.  You’ll be making the Internet your own little slot machine that spins out regular affiliate commissions for you.

Rather than letting one blog post hold you back and control you as it does so many, not sure if you know how to drive leads yet or if you have a system to send them to that’ll bring you the cha-ching?  If not, you may be interested in checking out what’s working very well for myself and many other partners right now.  You don’t need experience to make this work either.  Just a willingness to use the system.  You’re getting the support and A-Z training, right from driving traffic to getting done for you high ticket sales.  I’m not sure how much longer they can keep offering the free training.  I’m not sure if they’ll be raising the price on this soon either.  Either way, I’d be honoured to have you join us.

Yes, show me the details please.