Want Big Commissions? Don’t Like Phones?

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No more telling the kids to hush up because you’re tied up on the phone.  You’re still getting to keep the commissions up to $4k.  This is the true freedom funnel.  Unless you were born with a Motorola strapped to your ear, most of us don’t like the idea of getting on the phone to close deals and make sales every day as:

  • You’re up at all time zones
  • You can’t leverage your time
  • It’s not too lifestyle friendly is it?

It’s frustrating having to tell the kids, the mate and the dog to hush up when you’d rather be spending your precious and limited time with them.  Right?  Maybe you’re introverted or shy and the butterflies in your stomach are making things even worse.  However, very few things sell high ticket programs as well as hopping on the phone and having a real conversation with someone making it 1 on 1.  You can hear a person’s pains, struggles, dreams and goals.  You’ll be able to serve them at the highest level and determine if your offer is the right fit for them or not.  Sounds like quite the conundrum.

It’s time intensive.  Not lifestyle friendly or fun, yet it works like nothing else.  The solution?  Well, this is rare and you won’t likely find anything like this anywhere else.  Yet, what if a few sales people, the best in the world at their craft who love serving and making mutually beneficial deals ifor you all day every day?  Wouldn’t that be nice?  It would allow you to be enjoying lucrative commissions with the lifestyle to boot.  That’s why I’m excited about this program that’s like no other.

Yes, I’m ready to get off the phones talking to tire kickers and let someone else do all the hard work for me.

You might be able to set something like this up yourself and that’s completely fine with me.  I just prefer the easier route.  I send them leads following a simple 1-2-3 process.  They handle the rest.  You could see yourself as the next featured success story in as soon as a few weeks from now.  Are you ready to try this out, risk free, right now?

Click here to get the steps to living life on your terms and getting everything you desire.

Why Processes Are More Important Than Results?

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Paul Lemberg who is a master sales consultant is fond of saying: “Don’t focus on results, focus on processes.”  Paul says that when it comes to managing sales people, you should not focus on the results they are bringing in but on whether they are following the processes that you have put in place.

If they are following the processes, you can help them, you can show them ways to improve, you can track their progress and you can give them feedback.  If they aren’t following the processes, then it’s all guesswork.

The key is that you must have processes in place that actually work when the sales people work them.  If you do, then you can guarantee their success as long as they work the process.

Russel Brunson agrees with this and his Click Funnels system is based on processes.  The system Russel has developed is guaranteed to produce results if you work the process.

When you’re starting out, don’t worry about results, just worry about processes.

Click here to get started.

The Dark Newbie Rises

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There’s a scene in the Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises where Bruce Wayne is confined in an underground prison with just a glimpse of the sky overhead showing proof there is a way out.  So many times, he attempts to scale the stone walls to escape his prison.  This is all while tied to a rope that provides a “measure of security” in case he falls.  After failing several times to escape, it becomes clear that although the rope is saving him from death, it’s also keeping him from his freedom.

So a fellow prisoner that had been there many years and even knew of a young boy that had once escaped the prison, gave him seemingly crazy advice.  It was to do it the same way the young boy did it.  It was to escape without the rope.

He knew that Wayne by trusting in the lifeline of the rope was falling short of the full 100% commitment that would be required to complete his escape and go save his city.  Wayne is faced with an important choice in life: A possibility of a life of freedom which will require him to risk his life or the great likelihood that even a valiant effort with the rope attached will keep him confined as a prisoner for the rest of his life.

You can see it in his eyes.  He see’s that the safety provided by the rope is the very element keeping him from reaching his goal.  He decides to hold nothing back.  He goes “all-in”.  He’s fully invested in the jump and leaves the rope behind.  Freedom.

When you really want something in life and you give yourself no option but to succeed, you unlock something inside of you.  You accomplish what you thought would be impossible.  It does require you to leave your comfort zone but that’s where your greatness and all the profits are waiting.  That’s where the lifestyle you desire is.  You need to make sure you cut the rope.  You’ve got to leave behind whatever it is that’s holding you back and then be prepared to give it your all.

One of the best ways to begin to leave that rope is by getting around the “right” type of people and getting mentors that will help guide your jump to success.

There’s no better place to get that than by making sure you’re going to be here.

The Louis Vuitton Buyers Of Internet Marketing Land

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You would have seen me talking about high ticket affiliate marketing recently with the idea that you could generate these much larger than normal commissions than what Clickbank or Amazon might pay.  Commissions that go thousands per sale.  Some people have been asking me: “Just what exactly is being sold that allows products to pay out up to thousands per sale?”  It’s a good question.  Obviously for a product to pay out that much, it needs to be priced higher.  For people to pay that kind of money, the value must be there. 

In the HTAM industry, generally what’s being sold are high end training events/experiences.  In the case of this specific program I’ve been telling you about which is the same one I’m involved in, what’s being sold are all inclusive mastermind retreats.  All your food, drinks and resort etc come with the ticket.  The trainers at these high end events are not run of the mill speakers either, they are among some of the worlds top entrepreneurs, some of who’ve generated in the 100’s of millions of dollars.  Not everyone can afford a ticket to these events but there’s a segment of the industry that can.

Think of it like the fashion industry.  Not everyone can or would want to walk into Louis Vuitton and drop $1,000 for a pair of shoes but there’s a lot of people who do.  Whether you yourself would spend $1,000 on shoes is irrelevant.  There’s a segment of the market who likes paying more for that extra level of quality and some entrepreneur needs to be involved in that transaction.  It might as well be you.

When you go through this new HTAM training program for just $100, you’ll be shown step by step what you need to do to be successful.

You can get started right here with the training. 

One you’ve gone through the training, you’ll then be in a position to start earning the HTAM commissions.  The good thing about this program is it assumes no prior knowledge of HTAM.  So, you’ve got nothing to worry about if you’re new.  The more important things is that you’re an action taker.

Click here to get started.

$10K Months Without Stress

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Are you pulling hair to get this biz to work?  Earning a nice income with your own internet based business doesn’t have to be hard or frustrating at all.  You know why most stay frustrated and lost?  They keep tackling the same problem or task over and over and over again.  Imagine, thinking, reading about and investing in 1,001 different ways to wash a dirty dish but never actually picking up the dish and washing it.  That would be frustrating, wouldn’t it?  Staring at that same, small task. 

Yet, that’s what most do online.  For e.g. they pick up five different courses on how to build an email list but they actually haven’t spent the hour or two to set up a landing page and send traffic to it with a simple little FB Ad or Solo Ad.  That is what keeps most back from the profits they want and keeps them staying in searching mode for the next best opportunity.

The next best opportunity is to start doing what most know they need to do.  Even though their success and path will not be clearly spelled out or laid out for them.  That’s what being an entrepreneur, even part time is all about.  That’s what can make it very fun as long as you’re in the game.  I hope this helps.  If you need help getting up to 6 figures, part time:

Check out this proven system.

After you log-in you’ll see, this is easy to start with and profit handsomely from.  Your job is to mainly focus on sending traffic to pre built funnels and systems.  Then, it goes to work on your behalf.  It can result in big ticket commissions up to $10,000, headed your way.  Our first goal together will be to bring in your first big ticket commission over the next 30 to 60 days up to $1,000.

Start here if that sounds like a great fit for you and your family.