Bumps Up Your Affiliate Commissions Fast

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Makes sales and creates lasting impact.  It’s estimated that around 44,000 people go to Disneyland everyday.  As a result of a packed park, folks are stuck waiting in lines under the hot sun.  So long, their ice cream melts in their now sticky hands.  It’s expensive.  They deal with big crowds and bumper to bumper traffic.

Yet, this amazing thing happens.  They get onto a certain ride with their kids.  At that moment when they’re all smiling and laughing as they zip along on the ride.  It makes it all 100% worth it.  Recent studies show we don’t remember all the mess on our vacations and things we are forced to deal with in life.  We remember these sweet moments.  A brief experience that creates a lasting memory. 

Now, here’s the thing.  We can craft these moments.  In this business, many people are overcrowded with info and big empty promises.  Their hands are sticky from one bad experience after another.  For others, they’re just entering the park which is this industry and they don’t know quite what to expect next.  They’re just ready for a real, lasting change in their finances and lifestyle.  How can we create a moment for them too?  It could be a personal email or message we send them.  A letter or card in the physical mail, maybe we send them a book that impacted our life or maybe we say what we have is not a good fit for them.

Whatever it is, think to create moments for folks.  Impact them for the better.  Give them a positive memory and experience with you.  You can watch your commissions, profits and happiness bump up a notch or three.  If you need a proven plan to stick to that can impact your life and others for the better:

Check this one out asap.

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