Bee Brilliance Beats Businessmen’s Brains

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Bees make honey.  To make honey, bees need flowers.  To find flowers, bees need to collaborate.  Think of how inefficient it would be if bees just flew around at random until they found flowers with nectar.  There’s no system, no communication and just going out at random.  It would be incredibly inefficient.

So, how do you collaborate with a bee when you can’t even talk?  Here’s how: Whenever a ‘Scout’ bee finds a fresh new patch of flowers, he takes note of where it is and flies back to the hive.  When he’s back at the hive, he walks around the hive floor forcing out the route he took to the flowers.  The other bees follow in his steps.  By walking the route that he walks, they can fly the route that he flew.  This allows the bees to ‘collaborate’ and be much more efficient in their work.

Unfortunately not all businesses are as wise as bees.  When starting a new business, they fly around at random until they hit nectar.  Since flying around takes a lot longer in the business world, most business owners never ‘hit nectar’ with businesses they create.  They spend years working on projects ultimately doomed to unprofitability.  There’s little rhyme or reason to what they do.  It’s fine if you want to leave the growth of your business to blind chance.

However, if you want to be sure that you and your business are headed in the right direction, go find someone who knows where the nectar is.  Learn the path they took to get there.  Then fly there yourself.

Russel Brunson has created a $100,000,000 company.  He’s also helped hundreds of other people start their own thriving businesses.  He knows where the nectar is.  Then he created Click Funnels, which converts this knowledge into action steps.

People using these steps have created lots of wealth in the past 3 years, over $40,000,000.  Russel has released Click Funnels to the public.  It’s free to get the book from the link below.  The field of flowers awaits you.

Click here to follow Russel’s proven path.

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