Sequence Your Moves To Make More Wealth

Views: 8

Some gymnastics moves involve flipping head over heels, some involve twisting from side to side and some involve doing both simultaneously.  When you’re flipping and twisting simultaneously, timing is everything.  If you start flipping too soon, you’ll run into trouble.  If you start twisting too late, you’ll run into trouble.  You have to start twisting at just the right time.  Specifically, you need to first start flipping and after you’ve rotated for a bit, then you start twisting.  When you try to do both things at once, it gets messy real fast.  It messes with the dynamics of the trick and can lead to either under rotation landing on your head or over rotation landing on your head.

When you’re 15 feet in the air coming down towards the ground driven by your bulky, muscular gymnast body, the last thing you want is to land on your head.  That could kill you or paralyze you for life.  So, you sequence your moves in steps: Step 1: Run, Step 2: Jump, Step 3: Flip and Step 4: Twist.  It’s not just a nice thing to do.  It could be the difference between life and death.  It could be the difference between landing on your feet and landing on your head.

Click Funnels uses a similar method to simplify the complex process of starting and running a business.  There’s always so much that needs to get done including:

  • Emails that need replies
  • Product creation
  • Lead generation
  • Placing ads
  • Building landing pages
  • Creating content

It an be overwhelming just looking at it all.  Let alone trying to do it all.  Click Funnels helps you break down and sequence it all.  It makes sure you only have to focus on 1 thing at a time.  Go through the system 1 at a time and learn how to start earning an income online.  It’s that simple.

This system has generated more than $51,000,000 for users and you can get in on the action.

Click here to start going through the system. 

Why You Need A Chicken Sexer In Your Life?

Views: 2

It’s notoriously hard to distinguish between male and female chickens when they’re young.  There’s no difference in their physical make up.  There’s no difference in their behaviour.  This turns out be very impractical as it’s quite important that large farms and factories know what gender their baby chickens are.  Since only females lay eggs and they want chickens that can lay eggs.

Think about it, if you’re the owner of a chicken farm and you buy a bunch of baby chickens and then half of them turn out to be males, you’ve lost literally half of your money.  You better be able to tell whether the baby chickens are male or female.

So, what’s the solution?  Interestingly it should be impossible to tell the difference between male and female chickens, it isn’t impossible.  It’s true that there’s no difference between male and female chickens when they’re young.  However, a handful of experienced people known as “Chicken sexers” can by simply looking at baby chickens ‘just tell’ the difference between males and females.  It’s unclear how they can tell the difference.  When asked, even they can’t say.  What they have is an intuition that is amazingly accurate.  They’re able to make judgements with 90% accuracy.  It’s sort of a 6th sense.  The “Chicken sexing” sense.

So, what does this have to do with your business?  Some shots are hard to call: Should I invest my money in this program or in that product? Or should I give up and start from scratch or should I try to push through?  To the inexperienced eye, both options seem equally appealing.  Yet, hidden underneath the surface of some of these options lies loss of profit, loss of market share, loss of customers or a damaged bottom line.

So, what should you do?  Actually the answer is deceptively simple.  You need to find an experienced chicken sexer and ask them.  Well, not an actual chicken sexer but someone who has years of experience in the industry you’re in.  Ask someone who’s already faced the decisions you’re facing as well as hundreds of similar ones.  Someone who’s been around the block.  They’ll give you the better advice than the ‘canned’ stuff you find in books and articles and Google searches.

One of the reasons why Click Funnels has proven to be so successful as people who have used this system have generated over $50,000,000 is that it pairs you with lots of training and support to help you along the way.  When you’re building your business and you run into those tough, lots at stake decisions as you inevitably will, your support can help you call the shots.  There’s no need to rely only on canned stuff.  There’s no need to fumble through trial and error.

Click here to have master chicken sexer join your team.

There’s A Pool Table Wedged Between You And Success

Views: 2

There’s a story about a barber that taught me a profound lesson that I have to share with you.  There was a barber and someone else who we’ll call John.  The barber warmly greeted him and said: “What will it be today?”  John said: “Give me the usual trim down as he reclined in the vintage chair.”  It was a day like any other until John noticed the big empty space in the room.

John asked: “What happened to the pool table?”  The barber said: “Yeah, we got rid of that piece of junk, it was warped real bad.”  While it was still there, anyone could see the warped pool table looked like a steep slope on a golf course.  This made it near impossible to put the billiard ball in the pocket.

So, no one had used the table for years.  Yet, no one did anything about it.  It just sat there doing nobody any good.  Until years later, someone finally decided to get rid of it.  The space looked a lot better for it.  It was more functional and it allowed for people to better navigate the cramped shop.  The little improvement could and should have been made years earlier but it hadn’t been because no one had bothered to ask a simple question: “Is this pool table improving the shop or hurting it?”  No one had bothered to take action.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people talk about their careers in a similar way.  You choose the path in college.  You go at it full steam.  Then 10 years on, you realise that your job is sucking the life out of you.  It’s a big, ugly pool table that you want to get rid of but you don’t know how to get rid of it.  You’re scared because it’s always been there.  You don’t know how things would change if you were to get rid of it.  You don’t know what you would do with all that open space.

With Click Funnels, you don’t have to quit your job to start finding an alternative.  You can start taking action now by going through the system and establishing an alternative income while you still have that ugly pool table in the room.  It’s low risk, you can get started with the affiliate program for free.  It’s a big opportunity to make big commissions online.

Click here to get started.

Why You’re Making The Same Money Everyone Else Makes

Views: 1

There’s a saying from Henry Ford: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”  Are you doing what people want?  Are you just creating Excel sheets and filing reports for your boss?  Then you’re not going to do anything big especially not making yourself a fortune because if you do just what people say and want, then you’re going to get the exact same thing everyone else gets.  You’ll end up with 40 years behind a desk and a retirement where you still have to worry about money.

If you think like Henry Ford or Steve Jobs, then you aren’t looking for what people say they want.  You’re looking for something different.  Something most people have never considered because that’s how you make yourself a fortune.

People want safer cars but most of the automakers never thought that a computer driving a car would be much safer than a human.  That’s why someone is going to be getting a pretty paycheck every time a driverless car rolls off the lot.  People said they wanted cheaper energy.  Most people wanted to drill more or create solar and wind energy but most didn’t think about creating energy the way the sun does.  That’s why Hydrogen fusion is going to change the world today.

That’s why you have a chance to make a fortune now because this is your chance to make cars instead of faster horses.  At the end of this blog post is a link to Click Funnels.  It’s an online system that allows people to make thousands of dollars every month by simply placing ads on the most popular websites in the world.  You won’t deal with traffic filled commutes.  You won’t deal with crazy bosses.  You won’t work a job that everyone works.  You will make money like no one else.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Why Your Fortune Is Inside Chipotle

Views: 1

It’s no secret that Chipotle has had a rough couple of months.  An E. coli outbreak will do that to your business but something insane is happening with Chipotle right now and if you can learn from it, then you can make thousands of dollars every month by working from your own computer.

When dozens of people across America contracted E. coli and Salmonella after eating at Chipotle, things looked pretty bleak which resulted in tons of PR work and advertising campaigns to prove that it was safe to eat at Chipotle.  While it was necessary to bring most people back in the door, some people just didn’t care.  Teenagers and young adults across the county blew off the threat of disease and still ate at Chipotle’s as if nothing had happened.  While Chipotle was spending tons of money on PR to prove to others that they were safe, young people didn’t even take notice.

So, why does this matter to you?  It’s because Chipotle does what it does so well that some people don’t care if they could get sick from eating it.  Chipotle markets itself as a healthy alternative to other fast food places which appeals to young people who grew up knowing how bad fast food is for you.  Their food is also delicious.  So, even E. coli and Salmonella couldn’t stop young people from eating at Chipotle which kept Chipotle afloat.

Now you have a chance to buy into a system that makes money just as well as Chipotle draws in young people.  It’s called Click Funnels.  It’s an online system where people like you place ads online and then receive the sales commissions.  It’s not just some puny commissions though.  It’s thousands of dollars every month.

You get to work from your own computer.  Now you have the chance to do the same.

Click here to find out more about Click Funnels.