Why Zombies Can Make You A Fortune?

Views: 4

Zombie Apocalypse!  Nations collapsing!  Dead rising!  The end of the civilized world through zombies fascinates people.  We can’t get enough zombie books, films, comics.  You name it, it has a zombie version.  That’s why the book, World War Z was such a hit because it took all the usual zombie story clichés and applied them to the modern world like no one had before.  World War Z is unlike anything else because it examines how people across the world would react to a zombie crisis based on ther natural cultural upbringing and human nature.

So, when a movie came out based on the book, people were excited out of their minds but as the movie played longer and longer, people grew more disappointed until by the end credits people were disgusted if they sat through the whole thing because the film World War Z was completely different than the book.  For starts, the book has no main character.  The film has a hero main character who goes on a mission never mentioned or needed in the book.  The book examines different cultures and how humans as a whole respond to crisis.  The film has a guy save the world.  Finally, the film doesn’t even have zombies.  They don’t eat people, they just infect them.

So, people were infuriated but only if they read the book.  In general, the film was received and there’s a sequel in the works now because the film follows a system that has been making Hollywood money for years.  It’s a system that most major films follow.  The reluctant hero goes on a quest to save the world.  It sounds simple but it’s making Hollywood billions of dollars right now.  Just look at Star Wars.

Click Funnels is a system that makes money just as surely as Hollywood does because as long as people are getting on the Internet, Click Funnels will be making money.

Below is your link to becoming  member and making thousands every month while working from home.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Fill Your Time With This And Money Will Flow In

Views: 1

A lot of people rail against the classic 9-5 desk job and for good reason but maybe those desk jobs are getting blamed for too much.  Sure you have to work long hours but if you didn’t work then what would you do?  You might have a long list of things you want to do but eventually you would get bored.

Sure when you are working a 9-5 job, you are busy all day long but that’s not a bad thing because being busy is how you form habits and daily activities.  You wake up at 5 AM every day because if you want to get a workout in before work and we know that there is zero chance you will after, then you need to get up early.

Having a job and being busy is a good thing not only because you need to make money but it gives your day form.  If you just had a blank slate every day, it would be difficult to get everything done.  Don’t believe it?  Just try to get everything on your to do list for a Sunday finished.

So, if it’s a good thing that you have a job that keeps you busy, what’s the problem?  What’s the point of this blog post?  The problem is that there is a better job for you.  One that will keep you busy and be able to keep daily habits but pay you enough money that you are working because you want to and not have to.

A job that will allow you not only pay you thousands every month but also allow you to work wherever you want.  A job that will provide the daily schedule you need to be productive while also being flexible.

Is it too good to be true?

Click here to find out.

How A Japanese Bookstore Can Change Your Life?

Views: 3

It can be daunting, looking for a book in a bookstore.  There’s books from the floor to the ceiling, in different directions and sorted by the author’s last name if that’s how the bookstore chooses to sort their books.  Some stores don’t even sort at all.  It’s a free for all.

The point of this blog post isn’t to complain about bookstores.  It’s to tell you how you can make a fortune working from your computer.  The answer is in a small bookstore in Tokyo.  If you walked into the Morioka Shoten bookstore in Tokyo then you would notice something that makes it different than any other bookstore in the world.

There’s only one book for sale.  Every week there is a new book and the shop is set up so that you can learn everything there is to know about the book.  For e.g. if there was a book about flowers then the shop would have flowers in the book set up around it.  The author of the book that is for sale is encouraged to be in the shop as much as possible too.

It’s a one a kind of experience.  It’s working.  The owner says he sold over 2,000 books and has had customers come from all over the world.  That’s not bad for selling one book at a time.  It’s all because Morioka Shoten took a unique approach to something that people have been doing the same forever.

People have been making money the same way forever too by working at an office making enough to survive but not really live.  They never think about a different way of living.

Now you can take a unique approach to making money.  Click Funnels is an online system that allows people to make money while working from their own computer anywhere they want.  I’m talking about serious money as in thousands every month.

Click here to learn how you can make money like no one else.

Why We Love Our Own Flaws?

Views: 2

There’s a saying from Alexis Carrel: “Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor.”  Do you think Alexis Carrel’s quote is a downer?  Yes, it’s true.  Yes, if you’re a human being then you have been unhappy with yourself because no one is perfect and everyone has flaws but you hear that all the time.

What they don’t tell you is that those flaws are a part of you and cutting apart of you away hurts.  Let’s say that when you were younger, you liked ice cream.  Not liking ice cream but loving it.  You ate as much as you could get your hands on and loved every flavour so much that you could never choose a favourite.

Then you grew up and adults can’t eat ice cream every day.  Not because it’s childish but because the adult body physically can’t handle it without harmful health side effects.

You’ve got a choice.  You can cut back and give up one of your favourite things or you can have a heart attack.  That’s why remaking yourself is painful because we like our flaws.  Why else would we keep them around for so long?  That’s the bad news.

Here’s the good news.  There’s a way to make cutting away those flaws easier.  Maybe you’d rather watch Netflix all day than work.  If you had a job that made you thousands every month, wouldn’t it be easier to get off the couch?

Click here to see if Click Funnels can make cutting away one of your flaws easier.

Remember All Those People Who Said They’d Move To Canada?

Views: 3

Remember when everyone said they’d flee the country if Donald Trump was elected president?  This was including Laura?  Digital analytics firm, Luminoso, reported about 180,000 such tweets in 2016.

My 2 predictions were:

  1. Less than 10% of the people who say they will, actually will
  2. Those who don’t experience the freedom they were looking

So what happened with Laura?  Last year, Canada reported 9,000 immigrants from the US including those fleeing Trump.  That means less than 5% of them did what they said they did.  Turns out Laura made the move.  Just a few months later, she found herself bumping into the same frustrations.

Here’s my 2 takeaways from this story:

  1. Most people who say they’ll take action, don’t.  They’re satisfied with the emotional “high” of thinking they will.
  2. Drastic change doesn’t always work.  It has to be the right change.

This is why we’re calling you to take action right now.  Don’t move to Canada.  Change the shape of your work instead:

  • No bureaucratic red tape
  • No incompetent supervisors
  • No earning ceiling
  • No administrative soul suckish tasks

Click here.