Punching The Clock Vs. Money While You Sleep

Views: 7

All savvy marketers know that you have to have a “back end.”  If you don’t have a back end then customers just go in one end of your sales funnel and back out the other end.  Every time you need more sales, you have to get more customers.  It’s a very expensive way to do business.  With a great back end, suddenly things can become a lot more profitable.

So, what is a back end?  A back end is a system for selling higher priced products to customers after they buy a low priced product.  Marketers with a great back end are willing and able to pay a lot more to get customers because they know they are worth a lot more over their lifetime.  Let’s say, you sell a $49 product with no back end like most internet marketers, how much would you be willing to pay to get a customer?  It depends on your margins but probably not much more than $30.  What if you had in addition to your $49 product, a back end that offered and consistently sold high priced products costing $500 or $2000?  How much would you pay for that customer?

Russel Brunson’s system Click Funnels, offers that kind of back end.  A backend that consistently sells big ticket items for you.  All you need to do is drive traffic to his system.

You don’t need to do any more than that because:

  • They have the high-ticket, high-quality products
  • They have the converting sales funnel
  • They do the customer service, web development and shipping
  • They have the experience
  • Their system does most of the work

It’s the back end you need to succeed.

You can get started for free right here.

The Internet Marketing Fun House Of Smoke And Mirrors

Views: 3

Did you hear about the “cheaters” website that got hacked a while back?  It was all over the news.  A website called Ashley Madison which is a website that helps married people have affairs was hacked.  All their user data was made public.

All the men and women who had accessed the site looking to cheat on their spouses were exposed.  It sparked talk show debates about adultery, hacking and online privacy but I don’t want to talk about any of that.

I want to talk about something that got exposed with all the hacked data.  About 0% of the accounts on Ashley Madison were real women.  Yep, zero percent.  It was closer to 0% than 1%.  So, when you round down, 0%.  There was tons of fake accounts created by Ashley Madison to make it seem like there were lots of women on the site but there were hardly any real women on the site and millions and millions of real men.  Those millions and millions of real men were paying real money to get access to basically zero women.  It was all a big fake.

So, what does this have to do with your online success?  Well, it just goes to show you that the Internet is a hall of mirrors.  A fun house.  If you’re not careful, you can waste time and money on “fake” services.  It’s so easy to fake things on the web.

You’re much better off going with a reliable source you can trust.  A source with testimonials from real people.  Click Funnels has those in spades.  Russel has paid out over $25 million in real money to affiliates in just 3 years.  Real systems have real guarantees.

It’s free to start.  Is it time to get real or will you keep believing the cheaters?

Get real here.

How To Start A Chain Reaction Of Cash?

Views: 8

The “Butterfly effect” says that small inputs can cause massive outputs.  A butterfly flaps it’s wings in Dubuque and later there is a monsoon in Thailand.

It seems crazy but the chaos theory supports the butterfly effect.  Little inputs really can cause massive outputs.  This is sometimes called The 80/20 principle.  The big outcomes in your life will be determined by tiny actions.  Think of something that’s happened in your life, it could be:

  • Your marriage
  • Your Kids
  • Your job

If you trace them all back to their beginning, you’ll find that they all started from one seemingly small decision or action.  You never would have married your wife, for example, if you hadn’t decided to buck up your courage, pick up the phone and make the call to ask her on a date.  You did and the rest is history.  It all started with one little action.

The same could also be true with your online success.  It takes just one simple step of signing up for Click Funnels and it unleashes a chain reaction:

  • Suddenly, you have a system for success that you didn’t have before.
  • You have a personal mentor that you didn’t have before.
  • You have a proven sales funnel that you didn’t have before.
  • You have a whole back office of administrative and customer service staff you didn’t have before.

With just one little action that takes about 2 minutes, you can start a chain reaction that could change your life forever.  However, that action won’t take itself.  Will you take it?

Take it here.

How To Deal With Too Much Information?

Views: 1

A lot can happen in 60 seconds.  For example, every 60 seconds, 571 new websites are created.  This means that every year 300,117,600 new websites are created which is a lot of websites and a ton of information.

If you’ve ever tried to start a business and especially if you’ve tried navigating the endless ocean of Internet Marketing wisdom, you’ll know that there’s a lot of information out there.  In fact, there’s too much.  There’s way too much.  Every one has a different opinion, a different method or a new trick.

So, where do you start?  How do you figure out what’s right and what’s wrong, true and false or effective and ineffective?  It’s overwhelming trying to wade through all that information.

Click Funnels makes it a lot easier.  It lays it out for you.  It selects the information and focuses you on a single tried and true method.  It’s the same method that’s made Russel Brunson’s company one of the fastest growing in the industry.  He’s already paid out $25,000,000 in commissions.

You can sign up for free all ye who feel overwhelmed.  It’s for those that just can’t figure out where to start, who to trust, what works and what doesn’t.  Click Funnels does the hard work for you.  It brings all the best information into one place for your convenience.

Click here to start.

The Fool Proof Method For Winning Everyone’s Trust

Views: 3

Unless you have people’s trust, you’ll get nowhere.  You need trust for healthy relationships, renting an apartment or for making sales.  I’ll never buy from a seller I don’t trust.  I need to trust that the product is good.  I need to trust that they’ll deliver the product when I order it.

The main point here is that trust is very important.  So, how do you get people to trust you?  There’s an old trick for winning everyone’s trust.  It’s fool proof and it doesn’t require any fancy wordplay, lying, twisting or stretching.  Use this trick and people will give you their trust.  They’ll arrive in flocks just to give you their trust.  You’ll be swimming in the stuff.

Wanna know the trick?  Here it is: Prove it.  It’s that simple.  Just provide tons of proof.  Think about it.  When I want to buy something, the first thing I do is look at reviews.  I get on Amazon, search for the product, click, scroll down and start reading reviews.  I do this to get proof.  Proof that the product works.  Proof that I’ll actually get the product.  Proof that I’ll enjoy it.  Proof that it will meet my needs.  I want proof and I’ll give my trust to anyone who can give it to me.  600 reviews totaling 4.5 stars on Amazon.  That’s the kind of product that will lead me to buy.

With Click Funnels, the numbers speak for themselves.  Russel Brunson has paid out over $25,000,000 in commissions to people who have gone through Click Funnels.  If you follow the system, you are going to make money.

So, you don’t have to take my word for it that Click Funnels works.  Look at the numbers.

Click here to see stories from real people with normal abilities.