Do You Have Productivity Goals Or Results Goals?

Views: 2

Have you ever set a goal and then failed to achieve it?  Of course.  All of us have.  People say things like:

  • I will lose 10 pounds
  • I will make $100,000
  • I will have a more intimate relationship with my significant other

Then 12 months go by and most people don’t achieve the results.  If this has happened to you, consider setting productivity goals in addition to your results goals.

The successful sales people have known this for ages.  Sales people know that, they don’t have ultimate control over results whether or not the prospect will buy on any given “pitch” but they do know that a certain percentage will buy.
Therefore, if they are productive enough and if they present to enough prospects, they’ll hit their sales goals.  If they hit their productivity goal, they’ll hit their results goal.
What are your results goals?  How can you set productivity goals which are small steps that you can take everyday that will ensure you hit your results goals?
Well, if you haven’t achieved your goal of a prosperous and profitable online business, there is a way you can set a productivity goal to achieve that results goal.  It’s the Click Funnels productivity goal.
Russel Brunson who is the founder of Click Funnels, has seen it happen over and over again.  If you hit this productivity goal, you will hit your results goal: a prosperous and profitable online business.

Check out the details here.

How To Squat Your Way To Success?

Views: 4

Yuri Vardanyan is one of the most successful weightlifters of all time.  From 1977 to 1985, he won 7 gold medals and 1 silver medal at the world championships.

So, what was his secret?  While the other competitors were maxing out in the gym lifting as much as they could, Vardanyan went with higher reps of lighter weights.  He never “maxed out” in the gym.

When it was time for the competition, he maxed out higher than his rivals every time.  He was able to do this because he built a strong foundation with repetition.

That’s what Click Funnels is all about.  You don’t need to:

  • “Max out” by investing thousands of dollars.
  • Quit your day job
  • Go “all in”
  • Recruit every person you know into your “downline”.

You just follow the simple steps.  You build your foundation.

You can start here.

Why You Are More Powerful Than Steroids?

Views: 8

Do you know that athletes who believe they are on steroids make similar strength gains to athletes who are really on steroids?  It’s crazy.  The gains they make are real.  They really do get stronger.  Weights don’t lie.  They don’t lift themselves.

The mind is a powerful thing.  You may have heard about positive thinking and thought it was all BS.  The “placebo effect” like taking fake steroids and getting real results proves that positive thinking is a real thing.  When you believe, you achieve.
So, how do you get yourself to believe you can achieve success with your own online business?  Well, one thing is for sure, you won’t achieve it by working a dead-end 9-to-5 job.
You can achieve it if you give Click Funnels a try.  It’s free to start by getting a book from the link below and just like steroids, it’s guaranteed to work.

Get all the details here.

How To Stop Procrastination?

Views: 8

Two Harvard professors, Todd Rogers and Max Bazerman conducted a study on procrastination.  The subjects were asked whether they would start a savings plan.  Some of the subjects were asked to start right away.  Only 30 percent said they would.  The rest of the subjects were asked to start in the future.  77 percent said they would.

You might be wondering why this is the case.  It’s because we care too much about today and not enough about the future.  We want to enjoy the present.  We want immediate payoffs even if those immediate payoffs mean a worse future.  We’ll eat a candy bar because there is an immediate payoff which is great taste but we’ll skip a work out because we’ll gain weight in the future.

We’ll spend money today because there is an immediate payoff which could be a new car but won’t pay the price of less money for retirement until the distant future.  We will start a regular job to get an immediate payoff instead of starting our own business which will payoff in the future.  This is called ‘time inconsistency.’  We want future benefits but don’t want to give up immediate benefits to get them.

That’s what’s so good about Click Funnels.  You can start to build your own online empire without giving up immediate benefits.  With this, you can start to earn big commissions.

Click here to find out more.

The Cure To Life’s Little Problems

Views: 7

A woman from Alliance, Ohio just took ignorance to a whole new level.  The 44 year old woman called 9-1-1 just too say that her Chinese food, “was not up to par for her liking.”  People do dumb things every day and what this woman did was on the level of a Neanderthal.

What she did was also important as she shows what every person wants which is a quick and easy way to deal with all the minor problems that pop up in life.  She needed it when she ordered Chinese food.  For you it could be that bald tire you’ve been riding on for the past month with a real tire.  Maybe it’s not being able to do anything but sit in your apartment because you can’t afford to do anything else.

There’s a cure to all these problems and it’s called money.  With money:

  • She could have traveled to china to eat
  • You could push your car off a cliff and buy a brand new one
  • You could leave your apartment behind and travel the world

If only you had more money.  Lucky for you, Russel Brunson has the perfect way for you to make more money than you could imagine.  Russel designed the system and his affiliates have earned over $50 million over 5 years.  Russel will even get you in touch with a mentor who will guide you so that you can master the system and make enough money to take care of life’s little problems.

You never need to do any payment processing, long phone calls or customer service.  All you have to deal with is deciding how to spend your money.This is your chance to take care of all of life’s little problems.

Click here if you’re ready to make more money than you ever imagined.