How Can I get Money Online?

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There’s many ways you can make money online.  There’s two main choices you can make.  Either you create your own products or you promote someone else’s products as an affiliate or a licensee.  The problem with creating your own products is that you have to:

  • Learn traffic generation strategies
  • Learn squeeze pages
  • Learn copywriting
  • Learn how to do sales letters
  • Learn how to hire your own staff
  • Learn how to set up payment processors
  • Learn how to set up the product
  • Learn how to set up product support

Especially when you’re getting started, that’s a lot of work to take on all of a sudden.  You need to set all of that up.  The other issue could be not having a big enough budget for all of that.  One way to overcome these problems is by joining Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online marketing company that teaches you how to make money online.  They take care of all of the above tasks for you as it’s already set up.  You can promote the products as your own.  This way you can make commissions on the front end and thousands of dolars of commissions on the back.

Click Funnels has produced success story after success story because the system works very well.  Your main task is to send traffic to Click Funnels.  This is the main thing you learn as you go through the system.  They have plenty of courses to teach everything you could think about on making money online.  You even get a coach who will answer your questions and will help you to get started making money online.

If you follow the system, you could be the next Click Funnels success story.

Click here to get started with Click Funnels.

Internet Marketing Scam

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I know a lot of people who are very sceptical when it comes to internet marketing products as some of them think they’re scams.  Some of the products out there are scams.  The only people making money with them are the scammers while the people that are buying those scams are just wasting their money.  I know myself when I first got started, I fell for it like a lot of people do about push button software and get rich quick schemes.

The truth is that an online business is like a regular business in a number of ways. They require effort, time and dedication like anything else worth having in life.  If you’re willing to put in the effort, there are genuine products out there that will help you to make money online.

The main offer I promote online is Click Funnels.  It’s a system that teaches you the basics of making money online.  You get to work with a real coach who will help you along the way to speed up the process for you.  I know when getting started, speaking to a real coach who can keep you accountable and help you will get you results a lot quicker than you on your own.

Click Funnels is one of the best offers out there right now to make money online.  You will learn several different forms of advertising online.  When you start sending them leads, you can start making sales of thousands of dollars a month.  Imagine how those kinds of commissions would change your life.

Click here to get started with Click Funnels.

How Running Your Own Business Is Less Stressful?

Views: 2

Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life.  We live in a complex, constantly-changing world.  With the way the economy has performed recently, there’s a lot of folks stressed out about the future.  Nowhere is this stress more prevalent than for middle managers and blue collar workers.  It’s because, these folks are rarely asked to create.  They are merely asked to produce.

If you’re working in a typical 9 to 5 job, you don’t have much input into the creation of products or the direction of the company.  Your job is not to create or direct but to produce:

  • Make it, not decide what to make
  • Sell it, not decide what to sell
  • Account for it, not create it
  • Manage it, not envision it

When you run your own business, you’re a creator.  You’re responsible for something.  You build it from the ground up.  Studies have shown that the act of creating (an active, future-oriented process) instils a sense of control.  When people feel in control they feel less stress.  However, when people feel out of control with no responsibility for direction and creation they feel greater stress.

So, if you run your own business or have decided you’d like to, congratulations for taking control of your future.  Click Funnels is a great way to keep that stress level as low as possible.  This is because it eliminates 99% of the decisions most business owners need to make.

You control what you control: traffic.  Click Funnels will even help you with that.  Everything else is taken care of for you.  You can earn thousands of dollars in commissions.  That kind of income can give you more control over your financial future.

Click here to take control with Click Funnels.

The Sure Fire “Guru Test” That Never Fails

Views: 2

If you’ve been around Internet Marketing long, you know that there’s plenty of “gurus” out there.  They all claimed to have cracked the code on this, that or the other marketing strategy.  There are gurus for:

  • Face book
  • Adwords
  • Landing Pages
  • Sales Pages
  • Video Sales Pages
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

There’s not just one guru for each of those, there’s 10 or 12 and in some cases 50 so called experts.

So, how do you know which guru knows what he or she is talking about?  Well, the sad answer is that you don’t.  The only way to know is to try their strategies and see if they work for you.  There’s the old saying: “The proof is in the pudding”.  The proof is putting it into action.

There’s a way to bypass all the gurus.  You can get your information from the in-the-trenches warriors who are fighting it out with real businesses every single day.  These guys and gals actually know what works and what doesn’t because they are actually doing this stuff every day.  Their livelihood depends on it.

This is why Click Funnels founder Russel Brunson, developed The One Funnel Away.  OFA is not taught by ivory tower gurus.  It’s taught by real marketers just like you who are paying for the traffic to run their business.  Traffic from:

  • Face book
  • YouTube
  • PPC
  • Banner Ads
  • Solo Ads
  • And much more

They know their stuff.  So, if you want to master one form of paid traffic and you’ll never succeed online until you do, then:

Click here to check out The One Funnel Away.

Do You Believe The 4-Minute Mile Myth?

Views: 4

If you’re a sports buff, you may be familiar with the story of Roger Bannister and the 4-minute mile.  You may also be familiar with a popular myth that’s spouted up around Mr. Bannister’s feat.

The myth is that the previous record of 4:01.4 was set in 1945.  For 9 years the record was “stuck” there.  Just 1.4 seconds away from the big 4:00:00 barrier!

People believed that it was impossible to break the 4-minute mile.  Then Bannister broke the barrier in 1954.  Six weeks later John Landy also ran the mile in under 4:00!  Since then over 1,000 men have run the mile in under 4:00!

Therefore, the myth says that this wasn’t a physical barrier but a psychological barrier that had to be broken.  Once Bannister broke the psychological barrier then others believed they could do it too.  It makes for a nice story but it doesn’t hold water.  As Rock Tucker, of the science of sports points out, it was a training and technology barrier more than a psychological barrier.

Bannister worked with “pace setters” who pushed him to run faster.  This wasn’t a common practice at the time.  In fact, Landy only broke the record after he started doing the same thing.  Synthetic tracks were also invented around this time.  Landy’s first sub-4-minute mile was on one of these tracks and this was after years of running on slower tracks in Australia.

Care to guess how many sub-4-minute miles have been run on synthetic tracks?  It’s over 500.  So, sure psychological issues may have had something to do with breaking the barrier but it sure seems like advanced training and technology had a lot more to do with it.

So, what does any of this have to do with your online business success?  Well, I’m sure many folks have psychological barriers about running a successful online business.  If you need to break through the barrier, then I highly recommend that you click the link below to see others that have already done it.

You can do it.  Others have done it and so can you regardless of your current situation but removing those psychological barriers won’t be enough.  You’ll need proven “training” methods and advanced “technology” to be successful.

That’s what you get with Click Funnels.  Step by step training and all the tools and you need to earn big commissions fast.  You can break the ten thousand dollar barrier, the one-hundred thousand dollar barrier or even the million dollar barrier.  You break the psychological barrier and Click Funnels will help you break the technology and the training barrier.

Get started by clicking this link.