Get Response Pricing

Views: 4

Get Response is one of the best email marketing auto responders out there.  For only $15/month, you can add up to 1,000 leads and get all of the GetResponse features letting you send unlimited emails, set up follow up messages and anything else you like.  If you need more leads, the pricing is listed below:

  • 2,500 subscribers – $25 per month
  • 5,000 subscribers – $45 per month
  • 10,000 subscribers – $65 per month
  • 25,000 subscribers – $145 per month
  • 50,000 subscribers – $250 per month
  • 100,000 subscribers – $450 per month

With all of the plans, if you pay it in full for the year, you get an 18% discount from the monthly prices.  The prices include VAT, unlimited emails and all features.

GetResponse makes Email Marketing a lot easier.  It is full of features including:

  • Landing page creator
  • Responsive email design
  • Split testing
  • Email marketing automation with Autoresponders 2.0
  • Email creator
  • Email tracking
  • List booster
  • Form builder
  • Inbox preview

They have a lot more features which you can check out from the link below.  For a lot of Internet Marketers, their email list is their biggest asset and this is where they get the best conversion from as the leads on the list know, like and trust the list owner.  This is why you must follow up with your leads and why you need an autoresponder.

One of the biggest mistakes I hear from a lot of Internet Marketers is not building their list from day one.  All else being equal with a bigger list, they would make more money.  It really is true what people say: “The money is in the list”.

If you have your own list, you can send them other offers as well.  This means once you’ve got the lead, you can refer them to your other offers.

This is one of the most important skills you can have as an online marketer.  Start with GetReponse, build a squeeze page, start sending traffic to it, write daily emails and refer them to an offer.  It will be one of the most profitable things you can do online.

If you need help with any of this, just ask and I’ll be happy to help.

You can try Get Response for free for 30 days trying out all the features.  If you’re happy with it great, if not, just cancel it.  There’s no pressure to buy.  It’s entirely up to you.

Click here to try Get Response for free.

HostGator Black Friday Sale – 55% Off Web Hosting

Views: 3

HostGator have got a Black Friday Sale coming and they’re offering 55% off their Web Hosting plans.

Black Friday is just round the corner.  This is the best time of the year to launch a new website or even be creative this holiday season and you could give your loved ones the gift of web hosting.  I would highly recommend you to take advantage of HostGator’s best pricing of the year this Black Friday until Cyber Monday.

The sales starts Friday November 28th at 12:00 AM and continues until Monday December 1st at 11:59 PM.

As an extra bonus if you buy from HostGator, I will help you to set up your blog including:

  • Setting up your wordpress blog
  • Set up your plug-ins
  • Show you how to write blog posts

Email me and I will be glad to help you.

Click here to take advantage of this offer.

How To Get Traffic To Your Website?

Views: 3

Below are the main ways to get traffic to your website:

  • Focus on great content – Firstly write for your audience.  When a compelling message is your primary focus, readers come back often and spend more time on your website.  This leads to higher search engine rankings.  One of the factors for Google Page Ranking is how long someone spends on your website.  You get a higher ranking organically when your content is relevant.
  • Connect with influencers – Discover the taste makers within your niche.  It could be bloggers, authors or speakers.  You should build relationships with them.  Share their pieces and posts that you find valuable with your followers and quite likely, they’ll reciprocate.
  • Get local – Target customers in your region.  You can sprinkle your site with geo-targeted keywords through PPC Advertising and you can enhance your visibility in your area with paid placements on search engines.
  • Engage with your readers – You should keep things fresh and relevant which is crucial to your site’s success.  You don’t need to update your site every day but timely updates will keep your readers coming for more on a regular basis.
  • Promote, promote and promote – No one will know about your site if you don’t tell them.  It takes a few minutes to add social sharing buttons that allow readers to post content on social media.  HostGator offer free advertising through Google and Bing/Yahoo for their hosting customers.
  • Use tags and keywords strategically – Content is king but you can make it much easier for others to find you by adding descriptive title tags and incorporating top keywords and phrases in to each of your pages.  HostGator offer a personalised consultation on this.
  • Explore PPC options – Pay Per Click advertising directs visitors to your site through paid placements.  It helps to drive more traffic and it boosts your visibility.

These tips should help you to get more traffic to your website.  If you’ve already got a website, great, if not HostGator offer some great deals.  They are very reliable, up 99.99% of the time, you get plenty of features and lots of support.

Go to: and use the coupon code: 994coupondiscount to get $9.94 off your web hosting plan for free.  As an extra bonus, you will also get up to $75 off advertising with Google and Bing/Yahoo.

Click here to take advantage of this offer.

How To Keep Your Website Safe Online?

Views: 4

Below are some of the main ways to stay safe online:

  • Protect confidential information – Shoppers could abandon their online purchases if they don’t think their data is secure.  Make sure all private information is secured with HTTPS.  An SSL Certificate such as Comodo SSL protects online transactions and keeps data safe.
  • Back it up – Losing your files is easier than you think and so is protecting them.  You could keep local copies of all of your files or get a program like Codeguard which automatically creates daily backups for you.  HostGator will back up your site automatically as well.
  • Strengthen your passwords – I’m sure you’ve heard it before but choose complex combinations of letters and numbers, vary your passwords and change them regularly.
  • Think before you click -Do you really know who sent you that email.  Scammer have gotten smarter.  Be cautious with suspicious messages and links to keep your system free of malware.
  • Be vary of Wi-Fi – Is it a secure connection?  If you’re accessing the internet through an unsecured random hotspot, you could be at risk.  Try using a free VPN service which routes you through a private network and keeps you safe from threats.
  • Make sure your web apps are up to date – Online criminals can target software vulnerabilities for attacks so the key is to be vigilant.

These tips should help you to keep your website safe online.  If you’ve already got a website, great, if not HostGator offer some great deals.  They are very reliable, up 99.99% of the time, you get plenty of features and lots of support.

Go to: and use the coupon code: 994coupondiscount to get $9.94 off your web hosting plan for free.

Click here to take advantage of this offer.

Cool Tools And Resources To Build Your List

Views: 3

One of the biggest values of The WP List Booster is that it’s a complete solution to op-in list building.  The author does promise to make the updates for free.  It’s nice to know when Word Press changes or a security is required, you won’t have to pay again.

There’s at least 8 different methods to build your list with including: header bars, footer bars, text widgets, in text opt-in forms and light box pop ups which are unblockable.

The cost of the plug-in is only $27 for a single license which is only the cost of few cups of coffee.  Would you rather have a few cups of coffee or would you rather spend that money on WP List Builder Plug-in and start building your list on auto pilot.

I would’ve liked it if there was a free trial option.  The cost of the software is low enough and there’s a 60 day refund period that taking the plunge is simple and sensible.  If for any reason, you aren’t happy with the plug-in and you aren’t getting what you’re promised, you can get a full refund within 60 days.  So, you have nothing to lose and a lot of leads and sales you could be making with this plug-in.

Click here to get access to a free video on this plug-in.