Open Up If You’re Making Under $10k Per Month Online

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These four things must be aligned 1st.  There are four digits to the code that unlocks big income online including $1k, $4k, $10k months and higher especially if you want this to be a lifestyle friendly business which requires little time to run.  You must have all four digits:

  • Traffic
  • Conversions
  • Economics
  • Automation

Until you are able to align all four, the chances of you earning a handsome income online, working part time will remain at near zero percent odds for you.  Think of it this way.  Imagine a door with a code, if you put only one number in correctly, it doesn’t open 25%.  If you put two codes correctly, it doesn’t open 50%.  Three?  Nope.  The door won’t unlock 75% if you have 3 out of the 4 codes right, will it?  It will remain 100% locked.

Yet, when all four are aligned together, the door to the income and lifestyle you desire and deserve can finally be opened up.
By the time you’ve started, you’ll already have more figured out about how to get to easy enough $4k plus months than 99% of the world ever will.  I wouldn’t waste another second on your online business or any side project until you know these four digits and how you can use them harmoniously together.  Remember, all four must be aligned for you to use the code and unlock the door.

Show me how to use the code, ASAP.

3 Words That End Procrastination And No Online Income

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I’m not going to sugar coat it.  This quote shoots it straight with you: “You can only grow if you’re willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new” from Brian Tracy.  This couldn’t be more true when it comes to building a 6 to 7 figure lifestyle friendly business online.  Along those lines, here’s three words, that if you embrace them will make you a lot of income, maybe quite quickly, but be forewarned.  It may feel awkward as you use this tool.

Are you ready for it?  It’s this: Figure it out.  Is that it?  Yes.  I don’t know, maybe you won’t see how powerful this is until you apply it to what you’re doing right now.  For e.g. You may not know how to get leads.  Figure it out.  You may have never put together a landing page to collect those leads before.  Figure it out.  You may have never ran an ad on Facebook or bought a Solo Ad.  You got it.  Figure it out.

98 % of people will quit at the: “I don’t know how” step and that’s why this business model will never work for them.  It’s a shame because you’re one Google Search, Mentor or Training Course away from figuring it out and getting yourself one step close to where you want to be.  You can go from no clue and have a FB ad up in the next 1-2 hours from right now.  You can search how to build a landing page and see there’s a plethora of software that helps you do it.  You can be up and running in 1-2 hours flat.  You’ll improve as you figure it all out.

In this digital and information age, we have all we need right at our fingertips.  The power though that most will never realise is figuring it out.  It’s about taking that first awkward step.  Figuring out what we need right now to better our lives.  What’s the next step you need to take right now?  Figure, it, out.  I’m not sugar coating it.  That wouldn’t serve you well, would it?  I’m coming straight from the heart here today.  If you need help figuring out this online business and don’t want to figure it out, alone:

Use this system today.

By the time you’ve started, you’ll already have more figured out about how to get to easy enough $4k plus months than 99% of the world ever will.

Can’t Find The Time For $10k Months?

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Just use this free tool as it changes lives.  Famous Jazz musician Duke Ellington once said: “I don’t need more time.  What I need is a deadline.”  We could deduct that this was one of his secrets to being a prolific artist.  It’s a secret of many NYT Bestselling author’s right?  They’re given a deadline to produce their masterpiece.  We have deadlines on the J-O-B and at school because we can’t get more time, can we?  We all have the same 24/7/365 to use as we’d like or to let it or others use us.  So, it’s all about making good use of the time we already have.  In a way that gets us what we truly want in life.  To do the things that will make us happy.

So, something powerful happens when we use deadlines even multiple times a day.  It makes it realistic and it gets it done.  Some things we can make 500′ tall when they’re really just a small task to handle.  That’s how a deadline can help make it real.  For e.g. Maybe you’d like to start building a list to communicate with your audience and give them value by any means of email.  You’d love to be able to generate sales and build a business around that.  Would it be worth writing an email a day that could bring you over $10k a month?  Writing that first email could seem like a daunting task.  Ever been there:

  • What will I write?
  • What will they think?
  • Will I get sales or nasty replies back?

You could easily think yourself out of ever figuring it out and doing it.  Yet, if you set a timer to 45 minutes and give yourself that time frame to write and get something out there?  You’ll likely do it.  That’s the power of timers.  It can create urgency in your life to better attack your to dos and to get the life your truly deserve.  Can you see how this makes sense?  How can it free your time up?  That’s how you can get more done in one day that many can get done in months or will ever actually do.  It’s how you can follow a system and actually stick to it and start seeing great income in return.  A kitchen timer picked up at your local store works just fine or there’s plenty of free online timers you can  use too.  Set a realistic time to do your next task.  Start the timer.  Go.  Remember this million dollar tip: “Done is always better than perfect.”

If you’re interested in earning a lucrative income online up to $4k and higher per month and you’re willing to set your timer to 30 minutes a day to follow the plan,

Then go here and get started asap.

The simple timer will set the people apart that will do what it takes to do this business from those that will keep on dreaming about what it would be like to have the results so many others are getting right now.

Click here if you can spare 30 minutes a day.

Which System Will Work The Best For You?

Views: 2

If commutes and cubicles aren’t your thing anymore, we all use systems every day.  The question is: Is that system working for us?  Or are we working for that system?  Living off the government, relying on Big Washington D.C. and our families to take care of us even in our later years?  That’s a system many use and rely on.  Working a 9-5, 40-60 hour work week is a system too, right?  One that most of the population will stick to.  It’s what they know.  It’s what they were taught to do.  It’s what most of our parents did to provide for us and our families.

However, is it the best system for you?  What if they want to travel more?  Spend more time with their family?  What if they are tired of that type of work, their workmates and that way and stress of life?  What if they want to earn more, work less and do something that leaves them at the end of each day feeling more fulfilled?  Then that system doesn’t seem to be working very well for them, does it?

Not sure but this may be a system that can work for you too?  It’s helped many individuals with no experience and from all walks of life to escape a system not well suited for them.  To live a life built around what they want and how they want to live.

More time, money and location freedom and independence.

The Dot Com Lifestyle like this is a different path than 99% will even know about, much less take but it’s the best I’ve found to give me the leverage to get what I want and live like I want.  It may or may not be for you too and that’s cool but I’d love if you check it out and take Russel up on his trial then you’ll know for sure if this type of lifestyle freedom system is for you or not.

One Sure Way To Screw Up Your Home Business

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This gets you your first commission asap.  Thomas Carlyle says that our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance but to do what clearly lies at hand.  A key to success in this business is simply finding what your next step in front of you is and taking it.  We can’t get to $10k months until we’re at $5k months.  We can’t ge to $5k months till we’re at $1k months.  Right?

The next step may be doing what’s involved to getting to sale number one.  That’s all that counts.  Getting the first sale gets 100% of your focus and attention.  Then it sets off a chain reaction because if you do one?  You can get a 1,000 more sales, just the same.
With this system in hand, not only will you know exactly what steps to take to get your first sale but the sale could turn into $1,000 plus commissions for you on the backend.  It’s all about using leverage and DFY systems now at your fingertips.  Have a great day.