Retired Or Want To Retire Early? This Puts You In Control

Views: 2

He just wanted to stay in his home and pay his own bills.  For some of us, we’re deep into our retirement years.  Years that should be rewarded with fun and fulfilling activities with our loved ones or maybe we’ve still got youth on our side but we’d rather live like we’re retied in our 20s, 30s and 40s.  Not waiting till we’re over 65 to start ticking off the bucket list in haste.  Either way, whether we’re thinking for now or are planning a bit ahead.  I’m feeling that we all like being in control of our lives.

You feel that way too?  We don’t want to have to rely on our children or the suits up at the White House to fund and dictate how our retirement years will be lived:

  • You want to live where you want
  • Spend time with who you want
  • Travel when/where you want
  • Never worrying about bills
  • You want to be engrossed in fulfilling activities that lights up your soul

Nothing sucks more than being bored and not knowing what to do with yourself.  This is exactly why many are wisely setting up a plan B business on the side, part time before it’s too late.  It’s fun, it’s lucrative and it keeps you in control.  What’s not to like?  Check out the video presentation and see if it is a fit for you.

Click here to see the presentation and decide how to plan out your future.

Don’t worry about being tech savvy or computer smart.  This is simple enough step by step and you’re getting support.  You’ll be a pro at this in no time.

If Money Doesn’t Hang Around You For Very Long

Views: 2

Seems like money flows only to the wealthy and the lucky.  Apply this frame to your life asap if you want the lifestyle they have.  Would you say that money is exciting and adventurous?  In reality, money just sits there.  It’s boring really.  We spread out all the £20, £10 and £5 notes over the table and admire all those little faces.  Most of the time, it’s in the bank and we don’t ever see it.

Money doesn’t think, feel, know or care.  It doesn’t play favourites.  It’s just a piece of paper.  A little gold bullion.  A piece of metal.  What matters is the story we attach to it.  The story of how money will thrill us, serve us or scare us.  The story about what money is doing and what it is going to do.  The heavens and hells can bring money our way.  Yet money just sits there without our stories.  It’s not personal and that is so powerful for us because it means we can focus on doing what we love doing.  Things like adding value to others and making as much as we want along the way with out all the story and pains attached.

You are no longer a victim to money or your stories about money and this puts you in full control of your happiness and finances.  Is this making sense?  I hope this helps you.  I say this, in part because this whole money making journey can be fun and very rewarding in every way.

This business is so enthralling and lucrative when approached this way.  Most just don’t get it.  When you’re ready.  I’m here.

Yes, I’m ready to attract as much money my way as I desire with out any story attached to it. 

Remember money itself is lifeless and boring.  It doesn’t care who has it.  Just focus on this system to online paydays up to ten grand and higher.  Are you down for that?

No Credibility Needed – Just Try This

Views: 3

If you feel you don’t have the credibility, skill or name for yourself, to make it in this business, one thing that’s often running through a person new to online business is this and they feel this is holding them back: “Man I don’t have any credibility.”  I get it.  I’ve got two thoughts on this:

Number 1: A big mistake 98% of people struggling always make is they think everything is about them.  It’s not.  The cool thing about this business is how it’s about serving, helping and adding value to others.  It’s always about them and not you or me.  What sounds and feels more powerful to you?  “I make $10K a month and I have a Mercedes and I travel the world, barely working at all” or “Hey man, let’s chat, where at you currently at in your life?”  Overworked, not appreciated, underpaid, no secure retirement in place, missing out on their own and their kids or grandkid’s life etc.

What’s that costing you?  My health, my wealth, my family and my life.  “Who else is this affecting?”  My spouse, my kids, my parents and my community.  How long are you willing to let things continue on this way?  No more.  You see, how much I was talking about me?  My success?  My achievements?  My accomplishments?  It’s not about me, right?  People care about them, not us.  I say this because this should take some pressure off of you.  Some others may be bragging about their Benz that their commission checks are making their payments on while the person they’re talking to via their email newsletter just wants a new Honda Odyssey to take their kids to play at the park or to take them on a nice road trip to Disney World.  Is this making sense?

Number 2: You can borrow credibility whenever you feel you do need it.  You can communicate from the simple and helpful framework we just went over and then provide a resource to #2, the way they can make that happen.  That’s the cool thing about Click Funnels.  Russel’s company pays out millions a month in pure commissions to his partners.  Commissions being paid out to folks from all walks of life.

The business model is proven to work, it’s globally run and it’s very lucrative to partners that are fed up and want a better now for themselves and their families.  You can borrow that credibility as well as his entire staff and system working on your behalf.  It’s great.

Not sure if this is for you?  If it could be, we’d be honoured for you to check this out.

Yes, I’m ready to make up to $10K a month and go from where I’m at to where I want to be, borrowing the leverage I need.

Sick And Tired Of Hearing Your Alarm Clock Sound Off Every Morning

Views: 4

No more alarms would free you up to wake up whenever you want.  Are you tired of pounding off that daily alarm clock that’s terrorizing your ears M-F?  Beep!  Beep!  Beep!  What’s it “Alarming” you to anyway?  An awesome day ahead?  Or 12 plus hours worth of migraines and misery you’ll have to contend with?  Here’s a novel thought.  What would it take for you to escape from this possibly crazed daily grind?  I mean specific numbers.

Let’s get real to make it real – cool?  Is it $4k per month?  $5k?  $10K?  The numbers don’t matter.  What matters is that you know them.  That’s the only way we’ll replace them.  Right?  Let’s just say you need an extra $10K a month rolling your way so you can escape the J.O.B blues.  The getting shut off notice letter blues.  The living paycheck to paycheck blues.  $10K is just $333.33 per day.  If you’re selling a product online at $49?  Just 7 sales will be rolling $43 a day your way.  You’d be good to go, right?

With the correct system and funnel in place, this can happen near auto magically but what happens when you add in a backend to your online business?  Well, let’s just say, your automated funnel is only bringing you three sales a day.  That’s $147.  However, let’s say that for every 10 of these smaller sales you roll in, a $49 sale turns into a $1k or $2k?  $49 turns into $2K for you?  Ye, that is how you make the escape at least in my humble but accurate opinion.

That spells out the importance of you setting things up right, right from the start.

This gets it all set up for you. 

This doesn’t have to be hard.  It just has to be set up right for you to bring in maximum commissions with minimal efforts.  Are you in?

Open This Up If You Feel Chained To Your 9-5…

Views: 2

His boss told him when he could pee?  Around this time of year, many people are thinking about their independence.  I think that’s great.  However, for the most part, they’ll take their day of, grill out and chew on a few pounds of burgers and wienies.  They’ll have a beer or six.

The next day, it’s back to the J.O.B grind.  It’s back to being told when they can eat, work and even for some when they can go to the restroom to pee.  Only 15-40 years to go.  A giant not freedom, right?  What if a few good folks actually thought about their freedom, right now?  Then actually did something about it.

What does freedom sound like when the bells are ringing off in your ears and heart right now:

  • Freedom from the chirping alarm clock?
  • Freedom from the daily car commute?
  • Freedom to earn as much as you desire?
  • Freedom to travel around the world?
  • Freedom to take luxury vacations?
  • Freedom to eat out and not look at the price on the menu?
  • Freedom to take date nights and to have time to play with the kids while there is still time left for that before they’re grown and gone, gone, gone?

Not sure what it is for you?  Here’s something you can do that may help all these things become a reality.

Yes, show me how to get the financial and time freedom I desire and deserve out of life and that others fought for me to have. 

Heroes of history don’t wait for the perfect time to stand up and take the freedoms available to them.  They knew it was now or never.  I’m here for you.