The #1 Tool For Financial Breakthroughs With No Cost To Use

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Are you suck in a rut or been in the same rut before?  Here’s how to get out of the rut, get up to $10k months and beyond and maybe get to any result you’re after.  Sometimes, slowing down can be the best way to speed up the results we want to be getting.  Slowing down and putting ourselves under a microscope.  Peeking in and looking at what is working and what is not working in our lives and why.

This way, questions can be one of the most powerful tools we’ll ever have access to.  It sure beats running around like a chicken with our heads cut off 24/7/365 wondering why we’re not making things happen like we want.  Not judging there but doesn’t that describe the masses well?  Not willing to stop off the hamster wheel enough to ask why.

Ok, for e.g. here’s a powerful question to ask then: What is it I’m really not willing to do?  Some discover that they are not willing to move forward without a guarantee that it will 100% get them the results they’re after.  As we know in life and especially in entrepreneurialism, there are rarely, if ever, any guarantees things will work out exactly how you want them to.

We don’t need them to succeed.  So, these thoughts don’t serve you well with this discovery?  You can flip it to, I’m willing to move forward without a guarantee.  Now, this thing that was keeping you stuck, you don’t have to let it hold you back anymore.  Here’s one more question to ask: Why am I coming to an obstacle and turning around?  If you keep coming to the same obstacle, say doing the first steps to building your list or starting up your online business but you turn around and do something else instead of that thing over and over again?

You might discover it’s fear of failure holding you back or you doubt yourself.  So, you realise, maybe you’re taking your thoughts too seriously.  Again, you can now flip the script on this.  Next time, you’ll say, I’ll fear doing it, I’ll have doubts, pressure to turn around but this time I’m going to take my thoughts too seriously because the results don’t care.  All that matters is that I do it.  Results don’t care if I had butterflies in my stomach while I was getting it done.

Is this making sense?  Radical honesty with ourselves can prove to be so powerful.  Hope it helps.  When you’re ready, you can get up to $1k to $4k plus months following a simple, step by step proven and turnkey system.

Yes, I’m ready to get my first high ticket commission following a proven, simple system.

It’s not hard to get your first big commission.  That’ll just be the start for you.  Spending a minute or three to go through the question’s in today’s note will help you to get there lightning fast.  Have a great day.  I know asking ourselves probing questions isn’t as fun as catching up on House of Cards but many find the pain of being stuck in the same boat and not living life on their terms to be much, much more painful.  I say no more.  I’m rooting for you.

Do This Before You Can Have “Push Button” Profits

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Are you afraid of fulfilling work?  Then this likely isn’t for you.  In this crazy little world of internet marketing and online business, you often see many people trying to appeal to our lazy side.  Right?  Push button this and easy as 1-2-3- that but I like to deal with realities because that’s all we truly have to work with, isn’t it?

“Easy” and “Push-button” sounds nice and all and I’m not even saying that it’s impossible.  Think about a beautiful little thing called the microwave.  You push a button and hot food or drink comes out piping hot.  However, you still have to get the food together, prepare it based on the microwave’s cooking instructions and then once it’s ready, you can tap on the start button.

Is this making sense?  Online, there sure is a push button and profit too.  Yet, most skip telling you about the “prep” phase.  Sure, this might even be called that dirty little word, WORK but again, we’re dealing in realities.  Last time I checked, building an email list, sending fun and valuable little notes like I’m sending you right now sure as heck beats the socks off digging dirt or dealing with workplace drama 9-5 for the next 30 years.

Let them do their thing and if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and see some truly incredible results?  Then check this out.  I’d love to have you join me in this.  It’ll be fun.  There’s no better time than now to go for it.

Yes, I’m willing to do fun work and get up to $10k months as soon as possible.

How One Small Act Can Get You $10K Months

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Once we’ve got you to $10k months, you’ll have the time and freedom to scale from there and it’ll feel like a game.  You ever seen a little boy playing with dominoes?  It’s a joy right?  He carefully places every domino down on the Twisting floor.  One by one, he sets up 100s and 100s of those little black and white dominoes.  Twisting and turning and loping around his room, creating a cool track to behold.  When he’s ready to topple all of the dominoes over, watching them all falling and tumbling forward in succession.

Does he have to individually flip over each domino with his excited little fingers?  Nope, that would be a lot of work.  He simply flicks over the first domino and that sets off a powerful chain reaction.  That momentum and the dominoes already being set up allows the rest of the process to be totally hands free.

This well describes the ideal online business to me.  What if you could do just one small daily action, yet it sets off a powerful chain reaction to work in your favour?  What if you could get one lead and then a powerful chain reaction is set in motion?  Then you go set up one more domino like that the next day?  As the dominoes start tipping over, you know a certain percentage of leads will turn into $1k to $2k plus sales for you?

Wouldn’t that be a blast?  Wouldn’t’ that be helpful to get you to the income goals you have?  If you’re not living life on your terms, one that you deserve to be living, then I’d be honoured to be able to help you out even in some small way.  Many set their first goal of getting to $10k months but they get frustrated simply by trying to do too much.

Well, I don’t know of a better way to quickly hit $10k months consistently than by focusing on High Ticket offers.  You can get a lead and watch it turn into a $37 commission or you can get a lead and watch it turn into a $1k commission.

A brain scratcher I know.  I choose high ticket.  You?  What’s cool about the system I’m using?  You just have to tip over the first domino.  Get the lead or get the first sale.  Be involved as much as you want.  Yet, know that after the initial one thing, all the rest is taking care of you saving you time and earning you more.  Allowing you to live and do more and play however your little heart desires.

Right now, you’re also getting lots of support.  I’m not sure how long this will be available as slots are filling up fast.  They can only support so many people at any given time.  That’s what this is all about.  Supporting our success together.

Easy, Lucrative And Fun

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Who has your best interests at heart?  Weird but this has everything to do with getting to the residual income that’ll be funding the lifestyle of your dreams.  We come into this earth totally dependant on others to take care of us.  That can make it easy by default to assume then that others know what’s best for us?  Our parents, our bosses and our government.  That they’re in charge, setting the rules and making decisions.  As long as we follow their guidelines and accept what they say at face value?

That all will be good in the world but what if we realise that nobody truly cares what we’re doing.  That no one is going to gallop in on a white horse and save us.  Does that sound scary?  Well, if we see that it’s not likely that someone will tell us our job is beneath us or that we deserve better or we should spend less than we make or that we should go straight to the dentist when we’re feeling that toothache or that we should get a checkup from the Dr. every year, etc.

Then we realise we have all the power.  The power to see what to do and the power to do something about it.  We have 100% responsibility over us but that’s a good thing, right?  Especially, when there’s so much opportunity out there right now to choose to do and be whatever our pretty little heart’s desire.

Now, your bosses and big brother won’t likely be encouraging anything like this to you.  That’s ok, they’re looking after them.  Yet, if you are wanting a location independent lifestyle, travel, work from home and setting your own hours and pay?  Having a downright blast along the way.  Then you have the power and responsibility to make that happen.

This may help.

Life’s too short to live any other way but on our terms, you agree?  Here’s to an elf business.  Easy, lucrative and fun.  My favourite kind.

Life’s Too Short For Ordinary

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Haven’t you noticed that life seems to be moving faster than ever?  The rise of social media, technology and robotics will mean that you must adapt and anticipate what’s coming next.  Get prepared to create a life that you deserve and want.  If you ever wanted to earn a real, viable income online, you need to get started right away.  I can guarantee you this, you will lose out on a lot in the next 1-3-5 years if you procratinate.

Click here to see proof. 

By far, the number one complaint I hear from people online is they get pummeled with different make money online offers which promise the world for free only to be disappointed when they ask for a payment at the end.  It does promise a lot but it delivers.

They are not hard to meet, you just need to be willing to invest at least 30 minutes a day into the training, work the system and take this training seriously.  I’d estimate that at least 75% of people reading this right now will qualify.  To find out if you’re one of them:

Click the link and watch the short video while you still can.