Does Your Job Stifle Or Stoke Your Creativity?

Views: 1

To be human means to be creative.  Sadly, most jobs stifle rather than stoke our creativity.  When we were younger, many of us dabbled in music and the arts or made little inventions out of stuff we found lying around.  At some point, most of us ‘Got realistic’ and traded in our creative selves for something more practical by which I really mean sterile.

However, work doesn’t have to be sterile.  With Click Funnels, you could re join a community of others outside the box, forward thinking, skill-developing and profit growing entrepreneurs.  Life at the intersection of reality and creativity is good life.  I’ll bet you that’s what’s been missing.  If you think I might be right:

Click here.

The Most Powerful Three Letters In The English Language

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The most powerful word in the English language is only three letters long: Ask.  It astounds me how many good things go ‘Un-had’ in the world just because no one has the guts to ask for them.  Lawyer Bob Goff tells his story if pestering his law school admissions office until they finally broke down, changed their minds and decided to let him in.  Whether you support the policy or not, the reason most people aren’t on food stamps is that they never get around to filling out the tedious forms.

The reason online business owners don’t get the customers they want is that they don’t ask people to buy from them.  Even the bible backs this up: “You have not because you ask not.”  Click Funnels trains their partners in what is probably the central craft of successful business: The ask.  The only people who don’t succeed are the ones who fail at the first step: Not asking to be taught.  You can overcome this right now by:

Clicking here.

Can You Sell Something In 6 Seconds?

Views: 2

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t understand Snapchat, chances are you have no clue what Vine was but if you take a moment for a quick pop culture lesson, you’ll discover a way to work from your own computer and make a fortune doing it.

Vine was a social media platform where people posted videos up to 6 seconds long that then looped.  If that sounds too simple to work to you then you need to brush up on your pop culture because Vine was hugely popular for several years.  The value of Vine was the fact that it took advantage of shrinking attention spans.  Nowadays people can’t wait in line or even watch a 30 second ad without pulling out their phone so Vine videos were easy to watch but even when your product is something as simple as a 6 seconds video, staying relevant online is difficult.

It’s so difficult that Twitter shut down Vine in January after too many people had stopped using it.  So, if a site that specialised in 6 second videos couldn’t hold the attention of the average internet user, how is anyone supposed to advertise online?

Few people know the answer and even fewer have the infrastructure to pull it off.  Fortunately for you, one of those people is Russel Brunson and he is opening the door to his Click Funnels system so that anyone can use it.  Russel’s Click Funnels system is an online program where people place prepared ads on sites like Craigslist and Facebook from their own computers and get the sales commissions.

Click here to find out.

Why A Nuclear Bomb Shelter 445 Million Miles From Earth Can Make You Rich?

Views: 5

You probably haven’t heard the name Juno since your high school English class but for the past few weeks, it’s filled headlines and news stories.  NASA’s Juno spacecraft went into orbit around Jupiter on July 4th but Juno isn’t just another satellite we’ve sent into space to be forgotten about.  It’s freaking incredible.  Juno has been travelling through space for five years and 445 million miles to reach Jupiter but other spacecraft have done that.

Here’s what makes Juno special.  It’s a solar powered spacecraft that sends out signals weaker than a cell phone 445 million miles from Earth with the same amount of memory as your laptop.  Doesn’t sound like much, huh?  Don’t be fooled.  It’s able to endure radiation that’s 20,000 times as intense as Earth’s and travel around Jupiter at 260,000 kilometres per hour (165,000 MPH).

So, why should you care?  You should care because we have a solar powered nuclear bomb shelter spinning around Jupiter 10 times faster than a space shuttle 445 million miles away from Earth and you’re still stuck at a desk job that your parents and their parents did before you.

Sure, our society doesn’t look like Back to the Future but there are way too many possibilities and opportunities provided by modern technology for you to be earning a living the same way people have for decades and decades.  You can work from anywhere in the world with your laptop right now thanks to Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a proven online system.  Want to know how?  Click below.

Click here to find out more.

Hollywood’s Simple Trick To Making Money

Views: 10

The highest grossing films of 2014 in order were:

  • Transformers: Age of Extinction
  • The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Maleficent
  • The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1

Do you see a pattern yet?  The next 4 films follow it and it’s not until you get to #10 that a film breaks the pattern.  The #10 film was Interstellar.  Interstellar is the only original film that is completely original.  It isn’t based off a comic book or another movie.  The story was created when the film was.

Look at the other highest grossing films from recent years.  You’ll see the same pattern but this blog post isn’t meant to bash modern film.  People clearly want adaptations and remakes.  It’s meant to make you rich.  Films based on pre-existing content dominate the box office because it’s a system that’s simple and proven to work.  No matter how many remakes, reboots, sequels are out there, people always go out to see them like clockwork.

You can earn your living the exact same way.  Just like making movies based off already exciting stories make studios money like clockwork, you can earn a hell of a living by simply placing ads online with Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a user friendly system where users place ads on the most popular sites online.  Those ads get thousands and millions of hits and the user gets the sales commissions.  That’s all there is to it.

Click here to find out more.