Action Movies Are All The Same

Views: 2

Action movies, they’re all the same.  Some sweaty guy with his faced scrunched into a painted frown tries to make off with money but there’s a cold, conspiring bureaucracy in his way.  Shots are fired.  Money changes hands.  Men will watch three in a row whenever their wives are gone for the weekend but there’s a reason they all feel the same.  The fight to keep money from getting away, however loud and explosive it is, is glorified manual labour.

None of us using Click Funnels will have our lives turned into action movies.  There’s nothing wrong or unsettling about contented flourishing, so it won’t sell.

So, here’s our pitch: Let us help you make your work life the most boring thing in the world so that you can get on with living your life.

Click here.

Why People Hate Their Jobs

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Today’s work isn’t what it used to be and that’s because the way we evaluate our jobs has significantly shifted.  The privilege of expecting your work to be fulfilling or source of happiness is brand new.  Lots of companies are catching on and they’re working hard to innovate work environments that care for your personal, felt needs.

With that, there’s a new social pressure, constantly expressed over social media to “Love your job.”  Most people hate their jobs because, now more than ever, their is a possibility to love their jobs and they don’t.  Now you could take this one of two ways:

  1. Great, so, it’s fine if I don’t like my dull, workday job.  Fantastic.
  2. Who are those companies supposedly making lovable jobs?

To the first one, “Have a good day.”  To you, I want to introduce you to Click Funnels.  With Click Funnels comes:

  • The opportunity to make as much money as you want
  • Administrators who do all the annoying work so you can focus on all the good stuff
  • The social support of other motivated business owners
  • A stronger sense of achievement, mastery and responsibility
  • Becoming the better, fuller version of yourself that you know is hiding in their somewhere

We want your experience of work to be good and we’re on your team.

Click here.

How To Earn Money So You Can Give It Away?

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The holidays are a time to give and it feels pretty great to give.  Whether that means seeing your kid’s face light up when they look under the tree or seeing your donations to charity at work, it’s always great to give.  In Northeast Ohio, a shopper paid for all the items on layaway at two Wal-Mart’s.  A total of $106,000.  The person insisted they remain anonymous because giving felt so great that they didn’t want any focus on themselves but on the people who they were helping out.  They became a real life Santa for kids and adults alike at a cost of $100,000 just because of how great it felt to give.

Sadly, it feels just as bad when you are unable to give.  When you pass a person asking for food on the street but can only give well wishes instead of something immediately helpful or when you can’t deliver on a promised gift because you can’t afford to do so, it hurts.

That’s why even though the holidays are a time for people to enjoy each other’s company and friendship, money still matters.  It won’t make or break your holiday season but it sure plays a heavy role.  If you want to be the person who buys Christmas presents for an entire town then you will need money to do so.

That’s why this blog post is so important.  It’s your chance to have the money to do all those great things you wished you could do for others because this blog post is your key to Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a system that earned the founder millions.

It is a proven method that allows you to make thousands every month while working from your own computer.

Are you ready to have the resources to give and not only wish that you could?

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Women More Capable To Succeed Online

Views: 1

There’s a lot of women killing it online.  One of the biggest affiliates, Carolina Milan, has earned well over 6 figures.

So, what makes women more capable than men online?  It’s ego.  Men’s egos often get in the way.  You may have heard the old cliché about how men never ask for directions.  Well, it’s true in business as well.

Men think they know where they’re going.  If you give them a blueprint or a done for you system, they’ll still try to do it themselves.  Men have this natural tendency to think, “I can figure out a better way.”  Then they go off and try to re-invent the wheel and screw it all up.  Men normally don’t succeed online until they’ve failed miserably several times and had their egos checked.

Women are sharper and less egotistical.  If they see a system that works, they learn it and follow it.  If you’re a woman, Click Funnels has just the system for you.  If you’re a man who has tried everything, failed repeatedly and now you’re ready to ask for and follow directions, then we have a system for you too.  If you’re the typical man, Click Funnels may not be right for you.

Everybody else, click here.

It’s The Little Things That Count

Views: 1

I want to pass on to you a lesson that Tom Brady just taught the entire Atlanta Falcons team in Super Bowl LI.  It’s the little things that count.  As one commentator pointed out, “Even though the Patriots are 7-0 in the Super Bowl, they could just as easily have been 0-7.  Each time they got there and they won thanks in part to the ball bouncing the right way.  Imagine if it didn’t.”

Football continues to resonate so deeply with Americans because we know it hits so close to home.  Not in everything but in some central lessons.  If you do everything in your power, in your position, to set your team up for success and if you don’t neglect the little stuff, you have a good shot at winning.  Now, you could also lose but winning teams consistently pay attention to the little things stopping up and bridging the little gaps.

Things like:

  • Setting up  a passive income stream
  • Working from home to spend more time with the family
  • Freeing yourself from an aggravating boss
  • Breaking through opportunity and income ceilings by switching to a company with none

I know we love to hate the patriots but show the team some respect.  Which side of success are you on?

Click here.