8 Things I Want To Do For You

Views: 2

Ship station will do one thing for you.  In their new, peppy ad campaign, ship station promises to assist you in designing and printing mailing labels and in calculating postage.  As if running to the Post Office was the one thing stopping people from entering the online business industry.  I means, it’s cute but it’s small.

Click Funnels will not only fulfil all of your product orders ourselves but we will:
  • Create products for you to sell
  • Develop a slick sales funnel for your leads
  • Design your website
  • Coach you through our money making plan
  • Handle every single one of your customers needs
  • Maintain and develop an encouraging and challenging community of like minded business owners

You’ve been ready to take a deep breath and take the first step toward financial peace and a relaxed schedule for a long time.  Ship station, if you had even heard of them, hasn’t sold you but I wish you luck finding a more proven and more comprehensive offer than this.

Click here.

The Biggest Struggle In Adulthood

Views: 1

It’s time to turn back the clock to high school because I’m about to tell you a story from the odyssey.  Don’t worry my version is a lot shorter.  Before we get to Odysseus tricking the Cyclops, resisting the sirens and bursting home to ravage the suitors and enjoy his wife, there’s another hero: His son, Telemachos.

Telemachos doesn’t start out like a hero.  He mopes around at home while a horde of piggish men gobble up his dad’s food, guzzle down his dad’s wine and make daily passes on his mom.  The gods know that something’s gotta give.  So, Athena flits down, disguises herself as ‘Mentor’ and tell Telemachos off: “You should not go on clinging to your childhood.  You are no longer of an age to do that.”  Her words, though harsh, fill his heart with courage and he feels “fathered” by her.

By my observations, I think that one of the struggles of adulthood is not having authority figures to give us the harsh but encouraging words we need to press forward and make a change.  Want one?  Click Funnels will drive you to set up a profitable business using our proven model.

Click here.

3 Reasons I’ll Never Invite You To A Leadership Seminar

Views: 2

Last week, a friend of mine roped me into attending another ho-hum, put-you-to-sleep leadership seminar.  Apparently, I was too polite because they invited me to another one this week but my time’s too valuable for that, so I said: “No.”  He protested and then tried appealing to my emotions.  So, I gave him three good reasons why feel good gurus will never made effective leaders:

  1. They lie – First, this guru did what a lot of gurus do by appealing to people’s self esteem by calling them all leaders but he’s forgotten one of the essential attributes of a leader: followers.  The better the leader, the more followers they have.
  2. They create no value – The only thing they sell is themselves.  Where I come from, we call that prostitution.  The only thing they can offer you is a chance to make them money by making them more famous.  Of course, they’ll give you a cut.
  3. They have bad fake smiles – This isn’t a legitimate reason, it just bugs me.

Click Funnels is here to tell you the truth: you’re not a leader.  You don’t have customers but the reason we exist is to get you more customers so that you will become what you are not yet which is a leader.  I’m not going to ask you to make me famous.  You go and set up your own business, under your own name and use us as a resource and not a mascot.

Finally, there’s no fake smiles here.  Click Funnels had made my life better and not perfect.  Nothing will make your life perfect.  The success of our business model hinges on our sales not on being happy-flappy-and-you-can-too.

Click here.

Are You Letting Your Stunt Double Live Your Life?

Views: 3

I’ll bet there are closet adrenaline junkies who day dream about getting shot out of a cannon like Evil Knievel but I bet there are more of you out there who have similar day dreams.

You see yourself:

  • Taking a personal call during work and saying: “No, yeah, I’ve got time right now”
  • Deciding: “I’m going to start baking more regularly and during the work day!”
  • Breaking your Sunday tradition of watching the game because you can afford season tickets.

Trust me, there’s nothing wrong with day dreaming.  It’s what most of us do to just stay sane but there’s a sad kind of person and it’s most people who live their best life all in their heads.  Their dreams are reasonable, desirable and within reach but they’ve given up on: “Doing their own stunts.”  When opportunity comes, they let someone else take their place.

At Click Funnels, we go on vacations and don’t dread Mondays.  We’ve fired our fantasy selves and we do all our stunts.  As long as your day dreams stay day dreams, some one else gets to live that life instead of you.

What kind of day dreamer are you?

Click here if you’re the kind I think you are.

Activate The Warp Drive On Your Income

Views: 3

For every action, there has to be an equal and opposite reaction.  That’s a law of nature but scientists at NASA are preparing to publish a paper on the possibility of an Em Drive which would violate that law.  If the Em Drive is successfully created, it would allow spaceships to manufacture their own energy and travel lighter and faster than ever before.  For e.g. some scientists claim that with an Em Drive, we could travel to Mars in just 10 weeks versus the 7 months it takes now.  That’s why it’s being compared to the Warp Drive from Star Trek.

Your 9 to 5 corporate job is obeying the old laws of nature which state you get paid a certain amount of money per hour or per week or per year.  Period.  There’s no breaking the law allowed unless you have a Warp Drive.  Warp Drive is any system that allows you to make commissions from $1000 to $4000 per month.

How long will it take to reach your goals if you live by the laws?  You better start breaking some.

Click here to see how.