If You Don’t Believe Then I Can’t Help You Succeed

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Have you ever tried to argue with someone over Facebook?  If you have then you know that the most accurate way to describe Facebook arguments would be: “Peeing in the wind” or: “Spinning your wheels”.  You can write an entire novel worth of stats, facts and popular opinions that back up your argument but no matter how much you write or how rock solid your logic is, the other person can reply with the exact same amount of words and facts supporting their argument.  It’s because when people have an infinite window to reply and an Internet worth of information at their fingers, they can believe and prove anything they want.  In fact, the more information you throw at someone the more they believe what they did before.

It’s a psychological phenomenon called the backfire effect.  The more your beliefs are challenged, the more you believe them.  So, if you throw tons of numbers at someone trying to prove something, you’re only digging a deeper hole.

That’s why this blog post isn’t going to tell you about how much money Click Funnels can earn you or how much it has made other people just like you because if you believe that all online business systems are scams or don’t deliver on their promises then there’s not much I can do to change your mind.

You can stop reading and go back to your 9-5 job but if you believe just barely that you can earn your living online from your own computer, then you need to click below.  All the number and testimonials are there.

You just need to have enough belief and hope to click here.

Is Your Arrow Pointing To Success Or Prison?

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Have you ever seen the arrow in the FedEx logo?  Go ahead and take a look.  See it between the E and X?  If this is the first time you’ve seen it, then your life has changed forever because from now on everytime you see the FedEx logo, you’ll see the arrow.  Even if you aren’t looking for the arrow, everytime you’ll see it for the rest of your life.

Of course, this isn’t life altering news but it actually has something in common with the usual 9-5 job.  I’m fortunate enough to make a living from my own computer.  I don’t have to wait tables or flip burgers.  I work when and where I wanted according to my own schedule.

Once I left school, a lot of my friends had a regular job.  Something other than the steady 9-5 was scary.  I knew this wasn’t for me.  I would rather work for myself.

First of all, I wouldn’t be working for myself anymore. I would be working to make money for a company, and that made getting excited to work incredibly hard.  I had seen the FedEx arrow so to speak and I couldn’t look at a regular job without seeing all the benefits of working from my own computer.

If you want to see what working from your own computer looks like:

Click here to learn about a proven online business system where you can earn thousands every month.

Embrace Your Laziness And Make A Fortune

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It seems like no matter what it is, older generations think young people are lazy.  Just look at how baby boomers see millennials.  If you asked someone above 50, what was wrong with the youth today?  They’ll probably tell you that kids think they’re entitled to this or don’t want to have to work for that or are just spoiled by technology.

They’re right about technology spoiling younger generations but that’s not a bad thing.  All progress is made by people trying to make life easier for themselves.  The cotton gin was created so people wouldn’t have to spend tedious hours picking seeds out of cotton.  The car was invented as a horseless carriage to cut down or caring for horses and the mess they made.  The computer changed how we solved problems and communicated with each other.  All to make life a little easier AKA lazy.

You better believe that everyone’s life would be a little tougher without those things.  That’s why we should be lazy when it comes to work.  We should rely on technology and find new and easier ways to do things because that’s how we progress.

In fact, for the entire time that humans have been on earth, we’ve been on one mission which is to make life easier for ourselves.  Now that you can carry on that mission by joining Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online system that allows affiliates to earn commissions from placing ads online but it works so well it that allows affiliates to earn a 6 figure income within a year of joining.

So, quit trying to work your butt off to earn a fortune.

Embrace your laziness and click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Cure The Excuse Disease

Views: 4

Most people know what they want to do with their life.  They want to write, they want to travel, they want to relax and they want their families to be comfortable but why do most people get stuck doing a job they never wanted to do and bringing home a paycheck that keeps the lights on and little else then?

The answer is a disease that is extremely contagious and incredibly hard to cure once they’ve been exposed.  Some people develop an immunity early on in life but other’s struggle with it their entire life without ever knowing that they have it because the disease disguises itself.  It may look like a flat tire or a busted air conditioner to one person.  It may look like a boss who won’t give anyone a break to another.  It’ll look like exactly the one thing that can stop a person.

The only way to cure it is to take immediate action because what this disease excels at is stopping people from doing what they need to do.  It makes people afraid to do what they’ve dreamed of since they were young and doubt things that should be certain.  It’s called excuses.  If you’re like most people, excuses have held you back your entire life.  It could be that one teacher who gave you a bad grade or the car needs repaired every two weeks.  It’s the things that stopped you from doing what you wanted.

Here’s the good news.  Now you have no excuses as to why you’re not earning thousands from your own computer every month all thanks to a simple and proven online business system called Click Funnels.  You don’t need to have computer or marketing experience to earn a fortune in online marketing any longer because Click Funnels is a user friendly system that simplifies and streamlines online marketing.  It’s all only a click away which means you don’t have any excuses.

Click here to cure the excuse disease and earn your living online.

Do You Remember When These Came Out?

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In the year 1979, we produced a never before seen piece of technology that appeared in American homes everywhere.  This revolutionary communication tool revealed our human nature to us in a never before seen way.  I am speaking, of course about the erasable pen.

The erasable pen is a monument to our desire to take our seemingly permanent choices and pretend like they never happened.  So tell me, what’s your story:

  • You’ve given up on your dreams and passion and you regret settling for the job you did.
  • You got too deep into a house, car and school debt to pursue the lifestyle your imagined for yourself
  • You’re in a dead end career or a dead end industry
  • Someone else screwed you over and you’ve spent your life paying for their mistakes.

Click Funnels is a time tested and well tested erasable pen.  You don’t have to be where you are now.

Click here to find out how.