Go From A Fool To An Online Entrepreneur

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There’s a popular saying: “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me”.  If that’s true then there’s a lot of shame resting on my shoulders.  How many times have you thought you knew what you were doing and why you were doing it only to have the rug pulled out from under your feet leaving you on your ass.

I’ve seen the rug pulled out from under people more times than I care to count and it’s usually because of mistakes that have been made more than once.  It could be not researching a product before buying it, trusting someone without them proving they deserve it or spending too much and saving too little.

Chances are that you’ve made the same mistakes way more than once too.  Maybe you did something small like trusting the cat not to scratch your furniture again.  Maybe you did something even bigger like choosing the wrong career path for yourself again.  Even mistakes as big as that have solutions.

It’s called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online business system that has been perfected through years of trial and error.  Affiliates place ads online and receive the sales commissions.  That’s it.  Affiliates never close sales or deal with difficult customers, work anywhere other than on their own computer and don’t even have to create ads.

Click Funnels is different from just about any other job so most people don’t understand it’s value.

If you’re ready to stop being fooled and start making a serious online income:

Click here to learn m ore about Click Funnels.

Looks Like You’re Going To Have To Change Your Shopping Habits

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If you’ve ever forgotten to charge your phone before a flight then you know all about SkyMall.  It’s that magazine that you find in the back seats of every seat on an airplane that’s full of a million and one things that you don’t need or at least it used to be.

Considering that SkyMall magazine is full of fake sports memorabilia, lawn gnomes and massage chairs, it’s not surprising that they filed for bankruptcy but that doesn’t means that you’ll have to do your Christmas shopping for the people you don’t like somewhere else.

There’s a lesson to be learned here.  American Airlines is projected to save $350,000 on fuel costs this year because they won’t be flying magazines around.  Who wouldn’t want to have $350,000 lying around?

Well, you can have some extra money heading your way if you do what America did.  Simplify your business and you could be saving big time.  For e.g. what if you didn’t have to drive to and from work every morning?  What if you worked where you wanted without distractions or power hungry bosses breathing down your neck?  All of those things and much more could be your SkyMall.  You could be earning 6 figures a year from now if you let them be.

Click Funnels affiliates place prepared ads on sites like Craigslist and Facebook from their own computer and get the sales commissions.  So, how much will you earn?

Click here to find out.

Why Do All This Hard Work If You Don’t Have To

Views: 3

How much of all Internet usage comes from mobile devices?  Is it 35%, 45% or even 50%?  None of them.  According to Reuters, a whopping 75% of all Internet usage will occur on mobile devices in 2017 but that’s not all.  60% of all money earned from online ads will come through mobile browsing by 2018.

You know what that means, right?  If you’re hoping to earn any money through online ads, you won’t just need to have mobile ads.  You’re going to need mobile ads that look good.  The ads that will be earning money in the future are the ones that won’t stretch across screens or annoy users by being so big that they have to search for the exit icon all over their screen.  If you can’t do that then you won’t be able to earn a dime online.  It’s survival of the fittest and you’ll be left behind in the blink of an eye if you can’t create perfect mobile and desktop ads which sounds like a lot of work.

So, why do it if you don’t have to?  Click Funnels affiliates never create ads.  They’re sent to them and all they have to do is place them and receive the sales commissions but that’s not it.  They work from anywhere but their own computer or close deals or deal with long payment processing.

In fact, Click Funnels might be the easiest way to earn a living through online advertising out there.  So, what are you waiting for?

Click here to join Click Funnels today.

The Greatest Turndown Of All Time

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You can’t put a price on your own freedom.  Just ask Snapchat.  Even since Snapchat was created, it has been hit with younger people and confusing for most older people.  That’s why Facebook offered to buy Snapchat for $3 billion in 2013.  This was before Snapchat had the technology to add live filters to their app and no one expected anything except 10 second pictures.

You’d have to be crazy to turn down that much money right?  Well, ever since Snapchat turned down the $3 billion offer they’ve been growing in popularity and Facebook is still trying and failing to create their own form of Snapchat.  So, what’s the lesson here boys and girls?  Snapchat is way more valuable than it was in 2013 because they had the freedom to develop their company and app exactly how they wanted to.

Now you can do your job exactly how you want to and earn a fortune doing it thanks to an online system called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels affiliates place ads from their own computer and receive the sales commissions.  They have total control of when and where they work which means they can optimise their output and income just like Snapchat did.

Click Funnels affiliates can earn commissions worth $3,000 – $5,000 every month and can even earn 6 figures within a year of joining all while doing their job exactly how they want to.  You can’t put a price on that.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

A Company That Puts Your Money Where Their Mouth Is

Views: 3

There’s plenty of stupid ways to spend money.  It could be Candy Crush, free trials that turn into monthly payments or you could even argue that paying for cable is a dumb way to waste your money but Dr. Christopher Dyer takes the cake.  He didn’t just spend money in a stupid way, he spent the tax payer’s money in a stupid way.  He is an executive director at the University of New Mexico and an avid believer in big foot.

Dyer believed in big foot so much that he held a conference that paid speaker’s fees of $1,000 and $500 and paid for their airfare and meals all on the University’s dime.  Even the “expedition” after the conference was funded by the university.  I know you’re probably wondering if they found anything after all their meetings and preparation.  Believe it or not, they didn’t find big foot.  It sounds dumb, right?

You wouldn’t believe how many times a day people get online and do the exact same thing.  They pay money to look for something with no proof that it exists like paying to join an affiliate group without any proof that their system works.  There are a million and a half groups out there that say they can make you money but are never able to put your money where their mouth is.

Lucky for you, Click Funnels is one of the few that actually does what it says.  Click Funnels affiliates earn sales commissions by placing prepared ads online.  Joining Click Funnels is like looking for big foot with a big foot whistle but this big foot is an online fortune.

All you have to do to find it is click here.