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It boils down to one strategic choice. Would you like to give yourself an instant pay rise? In a career, you’d likely have to work more hours, get a bigger degree or climb up the corporate ladder for years to get a decent pay rise. So, how do we pull it off? Simple. Give your side gig a pay increase. This is all about the choices and strategies we execute on as part time entrepreneurs. For e.g. You can earn minimum wage commissions up to $7 to $97 for all your hard work in your business or you can give yourself an instant pay raise by running a biz that gives you commissions up to $1k to $4k.
I hope this is making sense. These are the benefits you can have:
- Working longer hours isn’t required
- You don’t need to go back to college
- No corporate ladders to keep scaling
That’s the beauty of our times and the sort of businesses we can build up for ourselves with the power of the internet and strategic partnerships.
Strategic partnerships like this one.
It shouldn’t be a struggle to have a nice income on the side with part time effort. Not with a business like the one in the link above which we can align ourselves with today. If it’s a fit for you, you can increase your pay whenever you’re ready to start.