If Money Doesn’t Hang Around You For Very Long

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Seems like money flows only to the wealthy and the lucky.  Apply this frame to your life asap if you want the lifestyle they have.  Would you say that money is exciting and adventurous?  In reality, money just sits there.  It’s boring really.  We spread out all the £20, £10 and £5 notes over the table and admire all those little faces.  Most of the time, it’s in the bank and we don’t ever see it.

Money doesn’t think, feel, know or care.  It doesn’t play favourites.  It’s just a piece of paper.  A little gold bullion.  A piece of metal.  What matters is the story we attach to it.  The story of how money will thrill us, serve us or scare us.  The story about what money is doing and what it is going to do.  The heavens and hells can bring money our way.  Yet money just sits there without our stories.  It’s not personal and that is so powerful for us because it means we can focus on doing what we love doing.  Things like adding value to others and making as much as we want along the way with out all the story and pains attached.

You are no longer a victim to money or your stories about money and this puts you in full control of your happiness and finances.  Is this making sense?  I hope this helps you.  I say this, in part because this whole money making journey can be fun and very rewarding in every way.

This business is so enthralling and lucrative when approached this way.  Most just don’t get it.  When you’re ready.  I’m here.

Yes, I’m ready to attract as much money my way as I desire with out any story attached to it. 

Remember money itself is lifeless and boring.  It doesn’t care who has it.  Just focus on this system to online paydays up to ten grand and higher.  Are you down for that?

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