Why Infinite Resources Will Not Help You

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A friend recently told me a story from his college days: He lived in a small house with 11 other guys but it was considered to be ‘the’ house.  The guys living there had a reputation for throwing great parties, hosting great conversations and starting crazy traditions.

On thing the house was famous for was it’s sofas.  At the very end of every semester, a wave of furniture hit the streets.  People moving out of the dorms didn’t want to sell their furniture.  So, they’d leave it out on the street.  The guys in the house would go out and collect all the sofas by the side of the street.  They’d bring it all back to the house and they turned the house into a jungle of sofas.  They filled the house with sofas, they filled the yard with sofas and that added to the novelty to the house.
There was always a place to sit and the guests had a place to sleep.  The couches were free, so why not use them?  The main point of this story is that it’s a good illustration of an important distinction: There’s a difference between having resources and actually using them.  Lots of people had access to all those free couches but it was only the guys in the house who actually used them to create something of value.

If you’re building a business, you could have access to infinite resources, trillions of dollars but unless you’re using those resources strategically, leveraging them to create more value, they’ll do you no good.  They’ll just sit there like free couches on the side of the road that could have been used to turn a typical house in the place to be but wasn’t.  Click Funnels doesn’t just give you the resources you need to build a business.  Although it does give you those:

  • Done for you products
  • Done for you customer service
  • Done for you order fulfilment

It also gives you a plan of action.  Each step is action focused.  Each step takes you a little bit closer towards a thriving home business.  Complete the program and you’ll have made significant progress towards that goal.  On top of that, you’re getting plenty of training and support.  Someone with real experience in the field who can help you move beyond the barriers that block the way forward.

Whenever you get stuck, getting unstuck is only an email away.  This is to make sure that you’re constantly going forward using the resources you have access to build a business and create more wealth.  You get both the resources and the plan of action you need to start building your home business.

Go here when you’re ready to start building your castle of couches.

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