What’s The Best Time To Start?

Visits: 2

Want to know the perfect time and set up you’ll need to get started?  When is the best time to get started in this business?  Well, I know the worst place to start is always tomorrow because there is always a tomorrow.  To help with this, I’d like to tell you a quick story about a well known writer.  After he’d become quite successful a lot of his wealthy friends started inviting him to their beautiful homes.

So, he’d whisk off to the south of France or he’d hop on over and stay at a friend’s Swiss ski chalet.  All in hopes to find inspiration and creativity so he could get writing done from these exotic locations.  Yet, this rarely happened.  There were always distractions.  Always so many things to do.  Always the allure of a bigger better home.  A better time and place to focus and get work done.  Yet, his writer’s block, his insecurities, his procrastinating habits, they tagged along everywhere he went.  Another time (tomorrow), another place wasn’t helping anything at all.

So, here’s the big takeaway.  We tell ourselves we need the perfect time, the perfect place, the perfect setting before we finally will buckle down, get serious and start.  Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow.  Got to get the right chair or computer or ideal schedule first.

Yet, as Author Ryan Holiday who relates to this story says, this is self deceit at it’s finest.  Better to be adaptable.  Better to be able to do what we need to do anywhere, anytime.  Better to just start.  Here and now.  Sage advice, right?

Yes, I’m ready to start now.

Remember that the perfect time to start now will never feel like the perfect time to start.  That’s why so few people do it.

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