Want More Options In Your Life?

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What may make the next 365 days different than the last 365?  So many people are caught up, running on the busy treadmill of life.  Day after day keeps passing them by.  They’re not living their days on their terms.  Others dictate what they do.  They let others decide their life.  What if you could design your days?  What if you could design your life?  You don’t have to wait for wealth or for anything to start down this path.  It’s not an end goal but a now goal.

Here’s the difference.  Imagine you’re wanting to get married.  What would likely make you happier over the next 30-90+ years with someone?  Accepting whoever falls into your lap?  Just hoping someone will take you?  What about having a criteria, boundaries, qualities you must have in a mate e.g. loving, caring, honest, loyal, wants kids, doesn’t want kinds or likes to travel.

Do you see the difference?  Most in life just accept the crumbs that are brushed their way.  They don’t see any other options out there.  Others?  A select few?  They’re setting the time aside to design their ideal lifestyle starting right now.  It starts with sitting down and writing out your ideal normal but perfect day.  It’s not always easy to start but it’s rewarding once you just do it.  It’s life changing.  It can take as little as a few hours to do it.

Would you like to wake up to a clean room with crisp, plush sheets with your loved one curled up at your side?  Rolling out of bed after a great night’s sleep?  The scent of 100% organic coffee brewing and whiffing into your nostrils?  How would you start your ideal day?  Walking or jogging a nearby train?  Doing a few stretches?  Reading a few pages of your favourite book?

What would your ideal workday look like?  How about when you get home?  Would you toss the ball for a few minutes with the kids or grandkids?  Have some friends over for dinner?  Laughing and sharing stories together?  Would you write a few things down before you go to bed each night?  Things you were grateful for?  Not sure what that would be for you.

Again, all of this wouldn’t set you back with much cash but it could definitely kick up your happiness factor a notch or three.  Life isn’t always easy but we can design our happiness.  We can make it better:

  • More income
  • More free time
  • More freedom

Sure, it can give you more options.  You can do more, work less and give to causes important to you.  If you’re in a job you hate, sure then getting into something you enjoy is recommended.  If the pension keeps running low and you don’t want to rely on kids or government to take care of you in the later years, again, this opens up options for you.  That’s where this comes in if it seems like a good fit for you:

Yes, I’m going to design my ideal life today. 

I want to tack on an additional income stream for more freedom and options for myself and family.  Have a great day.

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