Why “AM” Structure Equals Freedom And Income

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This could be life changing and lucrative for you.  It works even if you don’t like waking up early.  It’s amazing what happens when you’re up at the crack of dawn.  Countless people have benefited by following an early AM ritual like that laid out in the book, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.  In fact, this one habit of going to bed a little earlier so you can get up a bit earlier, it changes lives.

Now, in today’s blog post, I wanted to talk about how it can dramatically increase your income and free up more time to do whatever you want.  Hal’s method is great too, it’s based on the acronym SAVERS:

  • Silence – Meditation, breathing etc.
  • Affirmations – Powerful words to self.
  • Visualise – Imagine steps/reaching goals
  • Exercise – Light for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Reading – Positive improvement.
  • Scribing – Journaling, Reflection.

Again, that process is life changing if you stick with it but let’s focus on an early morning side hustle ritual you can set up.  If you’re bringing in $1k per month right now, this can have you bringing in $4k per month rather quickly.  Imagine, waking up early and you log in to check your FB Ads statistics and how many leads you got over the past day.

You spend a few minutes creating a new ad to run against this one, really just changing a word or two and the picture you’re using.  Then, you spend about 20 minutes writing and sending out an email to your list of subscribers.  Less than 45 minutes or so later, your side hustle work is done for the day.  Think of how you’ll feel you the rest of that day, you’ve already accomplished something major in your day.  Imagine, still being at your job or you’re out and about and you’re getting new commission notifications coming in.  Pretty soon, they’ll start to add up and the commissions start getting larger and larger all from setting a plan in place.

Sticking with an early morning ritual such as in this example, see?  Achieving big success doesn’t require massive things to happen.  It doesn’t require genius or working 80 hour weeks.  It’s these small, daily wins that gets you there.  Maybe that’s freeing for you, maybe not, I don’t know but here’s a plan that can get you there.

Follow this plan each morning. 

Plus, if you work best as a night owl, you may find that to be your best time.  Whatever works best for you.  If you’re not used to getting up an hour earlier, expect a little resistance the first 3-4 weeks.  After that, your body should be adjusted and you’ll love it after that especially the results.  Maybe you’ll implement good ol’ Hal’s rituals too.

Get this ritual rolling along here.