AWeber’s QuickStats For Email Newsletters

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If you’re like most people reading this blog post, you love data.  The kind that paints the picture of what is and isn’t working in your email marketing.  The trouble with data is that it’s sometimes hard to know which data is important and worth focusing on.  Not to mention, for the data to be valuable, the data has to be actionable as well.

There’s now a released tool that helps you see how your email marketing campaigns perform but also makes it easy to take action to increase your response rates and conversions.

AWeber’s Broadcast QuickStats

QuickStats makes it easy to understand how your broadcast performed by showing you:

  • Opens
  • Clicks
  • Web Hits/Traffic
  • Unsubscribes

Check out some screenshots of QuickStats:

Mock Opens
Mock Clicks

You cal also use the data to identify responsive and non-responsive group of subscribers, the people who:

  • Opened the email
  • Didn’t open it
  • Clicked a given link
  • Didn’t click that link
  • Made a purchase – You can track email driven sales with AWeber.

QuickStats are actionable

One of the most powerful things you can do when you know who clicked a link, who didn’t open an email is segment out those subscribers and only broadcast to them.  It’s an effective way to talk to people who are interested in a particular product, feature, part of your website or anything else you’re linking to.  When you can identify those who didn’t open an email or click, you can:
  • Make an alternative offer
  • Find out what their objections are
  • Send out targeted and relevant email campaigns to increase your conversions

How will you use this tool?  You will be able to see at a glance how your broadcasts perform, identify potentially subscriber segments and quickly and easily create and deliver targeted campaigns.