Looks Like You’re Going To Have To Change Your Shopping Habits

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If you’ve ever forgotten to charge your phone before a flight then you know all about SkyMall.  It’s that magazine that you find in the back seats of every seat on an airplane that’s full of a million and one things that you don’t need or at least it used to be.

Considering that SkyMall magazine is full of fake sports memorabilia, lawn gnomes and massage chairs, it’s not surprising that they filed for bankruptcy but that doesn’t means that you’ll have to do your Christmas shopping for the people you don’t like somewhere else.

There’s a lesson to be learned here.  American Airlines is projected to save $350,000 on fuel costs this year because they won’t be flying magazines around.  Who wouldn’t want to have $350,000 lying around?

Well, you can have some extra money heading your way if you do what America did.  Simplify your business and you could be saving big time.  For e.g. what if you didn’t have to drive to and from work every morning?  What if you worked where you wanted without distractions or power hungry bosses breathing down your neck?  All of those things and much more could be your SkyMall.  You could be earning 6 figures a year from now if you let them be.

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