How To Sniff Out A Scam Artist

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For whatever reason, probably because of my line of work, my Facebook page gets bombarded with self help ads.  Greasy twenty-somethings who have read a couple of books on business leadership and try to pass as consultants.  The Internet is slick with greasy millennials trying to juke the job market and hard work by posing as experts in fields they’ve never worked in.  People fall for it.

Here is your three step guide for sniffing out grease ball gurus.  When you see their ads, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Will it cost me? – Some posers lead with a “Free trial,” collect your credit card info and cross their fingers you don’t cancel your payment or they’ll charge you 99 cents.  A real opportunity with real value costs something upfront.
  2. Will it work? – If they cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that their program will work for you, they don’t deserve a dime of your money.  The Click Funnels system is a results machine.  It works if you work it.  Click below for dozens of success stories.
  3. Are they wildly successful? – Who cares if they’ve been in business for 20 years or if they’re the newest, hottest thing.  The question you need to ask is, are they getting steadily bigger?

Well, that’s the test, how did we do?

Click here.