Feel You’ll Arrive After $10K Months?

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A heart check and a way to make hitting any income goal come your way mucho easier.  Aside from keeping busy winning Grammy’s, Academy Awards, singing and doing stand up comedy, Jamie Foxx dishes out some potent words to his sister:

  • In a blink of an eye, we’ll all be gone.  100 years compared to infinity is nothing.
  • I talk to my sister all the time, I say: “Girl, you better start having some fun, we’re gonna be gone in a minute.”
  • You’re gonna look back and say, “I should have been laughing and now I’m dead.”
  • That’s a powerful reminder of keeping perspective in our lives.

Ain’t it?  It’s living with no regrets.  Not letting fears hold us back.  Not waiting for the day: “We arrive” before we can start feeling something like being happy, smiling for a change.  We arrive now.  Today.  Every moment.  We just have to choose to.

It’s sort of cheeky but I heard a guy recently say we need a little more L.S.D. every day:

  • Laughter
  • Singing
  • Dancing

When we’re living like that, it makes it a lot easier to start earning more dollars too.  Living a red knuckled life waiting to arrive someday for us to have finally made it.  It’s no way to live.  Agree?  Release, enjoy the moments and be happy now and without the tension on you.

You’ll see getting the results you want, more income, love and joy coming in near effortlessly.  Not sure if you’ve had a goal of earning an extra $1k to $10k a month on the side or how that’s going for ya?  If you’re open to it, I’d love for you to check out this presentation.  This doesn’t have to be hard or stressful by any means.  Quite the opposite.

When you’ve got an extra $1k, $5k and $10k and up rolling in on the side?  It can free up hours and hours of your time allowing you to start kicking items off the bucket list and living with no regrets.

You up for that?

Click here.