Erases Doubt While Your Income Skyrockets

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With this process, you’re rewriting your brain for wealth, try this baby steps trick.  It’s soooo easy to hop online and get overwhelmed by the huge results and income claims many are making to us.  Think about it, if we’re accustomed to making over $50k a year, it can be a huge stretch for our brains to fathom making $300k a year is even remotely possible.  Yet, we see results in the world that people are earning much more than that every day.

So, we need to play nice with our brains somewhat.  Otherwise, it may tell us B.S. and sabotage our success in doing something bigger and better for ourselves.  Is this making sense?  A tip is not to go too far from your financial edge at one time.  Increase it up in 20-30% chunks.

So, if you’re used to earning $4,000 a month then set your first goal in your online side business to hit $5,000 months.  Then when you’re hitting that, you can bump it up to $6k, $9k, $10k and so on.  That’s how you can go up, up and up the income ladder with minimal brain resistance.  Just remember the equation: Financial Edge + 40% = More Income/Less Resistance.

Now, with this in mind, this does not mean your income will slowly increase or this will happen linearly like you may experience in a job.  Far from it.  The results can happen quickly.  In fact, notice this quote: “No one has an obligation – moral, legal or otherwise – to work his way up through the ranks.  Every human being possesses an inalienable right to make a unilateral decision to redirect his career and begin operating on a higher level at any time that he and he alone believes he is ready”.  Robert Ringer, Winning Through Intimidation.

It’s a powerful statement, right?  You have all the power to grow your income and life as quickly as you want.  Whenever you are ready, it’s there waiting for you on the other side of focused action.  If you need a system to apply this strategy to:

Then I know of no better opportunity than this.

Working with lucrative offers gives you monstrous leverage because even one deal can boost your income and rewire your brain for wealth as your first of many sales of up to $4,000 comes rolling in.  With someone who has been there and done that now in your corner, you will never feel lost in your journey.  You’ll have crystal clarity on how to use and profit from this amazing system, starting right now.

On that basis, I’m in.